
born yesterday (an american tale)

If you're an American, and you live in London, and you're wandering around New Bond Street area, and you've just landed on this planet, as it seems I must have, you could be forgiven for being confused when you stumble upon what seems to be an exclusive club, A list, private party. In broad daylight. There's this beautiful stone mansion, music blaring from within, stylish crowd, and cute bouncers at the doors.
If, however, you weren't born yesterday, you'd know that it's simply the first UK flagship Abercrombie & Fitch shop. I remember it as a kind of upscale all American sporting good shop in NY. My future husband (the Brit) used to get his fishing gear there. This place is - to an ex-NYer - totally freaky. It's pitch dark inside, for one thing, and all the staff - and there are zillions of them - are really cute & perky & friendly & really, really attractive, dressed identically in jeans & plaid shirts. It's like Studio 54 meets the Beverly Hillbillies. It's ironic to think that an American brand, founded in 1892, has returned to the home of its founding fathers, housed in what was once a private residence, built in 1725 - 51 years before the birth of America.

The first thing I noticed about Rachel was her fabulous, raucous laugh. She emerged from A&F with her friends, having had their polaroids taken with some bare chested stud. She's got it all happening: the flower print frock with black tights look, the lacey Chanel reference as per IT girl - and a sprinkle of biker chic. It's all good!


  1. She seems to have a real sense of personal style. It's all about the contrasts: Her femme dress (I just love the flouncy-girliness going on here) with the biker jacket...and those gladiator sandals, what fun!

  2. I was in Abercrombie & fitch just the other day. Found it odd how dark and crowded it was and how none of the murals on the walls or statues featured any girls!!

  3. I also remember A&F before it was jailbait central. Such a weird marketing/re-branding choice, but I guess it made the company a bucket of money -- the stores are inescapable.
