
fair trade

Just when I started thinking 'I've got enough friends' I've discovered that one of the best - no, truly, the best- things about doing this blog the past few months is the astounding number of real friendships I've formed in such a short time. Some with people - fellow bloggers - I haven't (yet) met, due to geographical logistics, but others - like Carry Sommers, shown here - who, with her husband Mark, below, and a friend, have been literally mobbed at their stand last week at the Chelsea Flower Show. I'm glad my husband met them both, too - we all just got on so well.

I first met Carry & their daughter when I shot her at Spitalfields market last month and we became instant friends: one of those generous spirits who you just feel you've known forever. If you compare the two photos you'll see a great example of true style: she's wearing a different dress, cardigan, even different red shoes, but this is a woman who stays true to her personal style.

As for the hats: they were literally flying off the shelves at the show. It was a feeding frenzy and difficult to get a clear shot of the couple. I can't wait to buy mine, I'm going to wear it with everything this season: floaty nude dresses, everything. (I knew hats would be huge this spring, even before I shot Peony in a fedora last March.)

Pachacuti hats are fair trade, ethical, made in the Andes, classic, stylish, and beautifully made. They're perfect for staying cool in the much anticipated and eagerly awaited heat wave in London: thank you, global warming. We're all set.


  1. Those hats are lovely, and she looks amazing, I love her dress. Where do they sell those hats?

  2. Sorry - maybe I didn't do the link clearly enough - either click on Pachacuti (on the posting) or I've also got it linked to the right under Pachacuti: fair trade panama hats (as opposed to Pachacuti: the blog). I'm not getting a kickback from this, by the way - I just love the hats, love the people, and love the concept of trying to get the maximum money to the people who make them in the Andes - while still making a reasonable price!
    thanks for asking : )

  3. Just when I swore that I wouldn’t buy anymore hats this season (I’ve bought six within the last two months), you provide a link to these Ab Fab hats! Love ‘em, you enabler! Thank you!

  4. Sorry, I see it now, was just me being completly computer illiterate. Gosh there is some lovely things on that site, I particularly like the 50s style cardigan, I can see where my student loan is going to be spent!

  5. LOVE the hats!!! Must find out if they ship to the US! Thanks for this!
