
tangerine dream

We were hanging out by the Serpentine on a recent Sunday and it was getting time to head back and eat dinner & watch the Wire which we've been addicted to (we're nearly done!). The sky was getting dark and balmy, like it could storm, and suddenly Hyde Park felt like Jamaica.
Right on cue, I saw this girl from a distance, inside the gated part of the Diana fountain thing that caused so much trouble for years but which they might just have finally got right. She was on the phone as if helping a friend find her, but you really couldn't miss her. I don't have a telephoto lens so settled for leaning over the fence and taking one quick snap (didn't want to hold Mr. Dot up, he gets so impatient). While still at a brisk pace, I tossed my card over the fence. It must have seemed weird someone taking your picture and throwing things at you - but hopefully, mystery girl, whoever you are, please get in touch and tell me where you got that great orange and brown zig zag kaftan. It's fabulous.


  1. a really great photo, pose, exotic drapey top! love the cuffed skinny jeans to balance the loose top.
    i enjoyed reading the text as much as looking at the photo!

  2. I usually don't dig the kaftan look, but she pulls it off well! I like the colors. It looks like a fun place to be. I wish we had a park around where you can just throw a blanket down and chill! We'll just have to move to London! ha ha :]


  3. just discovered youe blog such nice article and pix I have to say


    bonne nuit
    la chauve-souris

  4. She wears it well, with such authority.

  5. I love orange and shades of orange. She looks great.
