
@ jaks

After having coffee with my friends Isabel and Lynn at Jaks, on Walton Street, I decided to stay for another, when the owner of these shoes walked in. She was a true original: probably older than her energy made her seem, self possessed and stylish, from her wild streaks to the tips of her toes. I was just changing a roll of film and only barely got this shot on my little digital camera when she was out the door, so I can't even tell you where on earth those shoes are from. Anyone out there have a clue? I know I've seen them somewhere...


  1. Wow! To wear those shoes you definitely have to be confident and daring! Of course me the viewer just marvels. You're so luck you ended up getting that shot of those shoes!
    check out my fashion blog!

  2. I've seen them somewhere, too! I can't remember where either.
