
my first fabulous handmade sleek geek tights

I am so excited: my blog-friend Jun, the SleekGeek in Hong Kong, has just finished my first pair of handmade SleekGeek tights!! They're just what I pictured. She's written Mr. Dot's and my names in.. is it Cantonese, Jun? Or Mandarin? It all looks Greek to me - and gorgeous!
Next up, I want them in white leggings. Perhaps this time with a phrase. Hmm. Gotta think about it.

Can't wait to try them with a dark navy silk Jackie O dress with slightly Chinese details on the neck that I designed & had made a few years ago, and black heels with big bows. Or, perhaps my favourite black Topshop ballet flats with the Poirrot pompoms.. the possibilities are endless. Thrilled to bits. Thank you, Jun!!!!


  1. Hi Jill,
    Thanks for your comment, I found you too on Janes blog - who could resist taking a peep at the shoes!!
    I have added you to my links, I really love your blog, I had saved you yesterday to come back and have a good look when I had some free time! I was so outraged by some of the comments left for Jane, but I guess there will always be those who cannot see past their jealousy. I think its great though that most of us can support each other and enjoy blogging! I am actually in Manchester, I dream of going to Bluebird LOL, Ive not been to London for ages. The silk dresses are sooo beautiful, your friend will look amazing. I am a bit obsessed with Viv, as I am sure will become evident as my blog grows, its all new to me so I am still getting used to to all the technology!
    Those tights are very cute!! Stay in touch,

  2. HAHA hey yo're welcome!
    actually i only put your name there, Jill Carin Adams; P but i can make you another pair if you like ( with your husband's name)
    oh it's in Cantonese;) mayb i teach you how to pronounce it in email! i'm glad that you love it!

  3. No, that's much better with just my name - this way if we get a divorce I can still wear the tights : )

    Pearl: thank you!!!! It's wild, I've actually 'met' several other bloggers thru Jane's post & the vile comments. It's interesting, did you also notice the Mean Girls didn't post links? Bullies are almost always cowards (no, on second thought, they're ALWAYS cowards). But yeah, the majority of bloggers on these topics - fashion but not just fashion - are so so lovely and supportive of each other.

    Here I am writing this long thing - should really send you a message instead - I'm gonna link you now if I haven't already, and looking forward to reading more of your pearls of wisdom!

    xoxo to you both : )
