
street stalker

This is taking street style photography into a new realm for me.. it's more like street stalking.

How scary am I: literally laid in wait outside Mango for this stunning woman to emerge (she's got a great back but looked fabulous from the front, too). If I were a man, they'd have arrested me by now. By the way, I'm seeing Panama hats everywhere this summer. The best ones, at a good price AND ethically sourced, can be found at Pachacuti.


  1. The lady on the 3rd picture is soooo chic!!!
    She looks fabulous, indeed!

    Street styles are so inspiring!! :)

  2. Love your photos! You always manage to find really stylish people... That grey dress is really nice (:


  3. Thank you both! Trust me, there are a lot of very unstylish Brits, I just try not to get them in my shots (sometimes it can't be helped). My friend Dani in NY said she's going to start a blog of what not to wear.

  4. how is it possible, i want everyone's shoes!!!!

  5. AH! Once again..caught me with your catchy title and I fell for it! Hahaha! I love the pictures! I was actually considering street stalking for my blog for some time now..since actually asking people is so difficult and you get more No's then Yes. Well, anyway, I love the 1st picture because it's a typical stalker picture! I laughed at your explanation!
    check out my trendy blog!

  6. you're doing great, keep up the fabulous posts and photos (well, we wouldn't want you arrested, or anything..!)
    i like the idea your NY friend has, creating a what-not-to-wear blog! i could certainly do one of all the "blah" style i see here in the caribbean.
    anyway, back to the photos...i really like that top photo, especially the girl's sundress with fringed booties- now that is something that sounds like it would be a "what not to wear", and yet on her, it works very, very well!
