
triple tangerine dream

Was with my lovely friend Bronwyn the other day, after a great walk in Hyde Park with the dogs (hers, and a friend's). We were having a coffee outside Paul on Gloucester Road. It was grey and almost balmy, cool but in that nice summer will last forever way. We were talking colour: we both were wearing grey. She, in a lovely combo of muted brown tee, grey cashmere cardigan, and pale faded blue jeans, me in an old favourite grey cotton knit hoodie that looks a bit like a knight's chain mail knit, but feels great, with white jean shorts & my pink plastic sandals.

We were saying how we just can't wear our bright summer dresses now, it feels too ridiculous (and too cold) and she said 'You know what I like grey with? Orange. Or paler. Tangerine.' Right on cue, the girl with the gang (above) ran by. Bronwyn wasn't too sure about the pajama pants and uggs, but I liked her attitude. Then, swear to God, two minutes later, Sienna (top) passed - she lives near us, in different mews to ours, and is such a sweet, pretty girl - and then a girl with torange shoes came in for a coffee. It was a true tangerine trilogy, all in the space of literally five minutes.

Incidentally: I've been feeling lately that I'm not giving you girls enough inspirational, dress up posh looks, but my problem is, I'm shooting street style, and this, frankly, is how posh girls in London dress during the day. At least in my part of town. But if and when I see anyone dressed to the nines in fabulous heels, I promise to track them down and shoot them. Theoretically, I can outrun them.


  1. I have the same trousers (sort of - similar) bought them in Barcelona a few years ago.
    Love your blog : )

  2. I love the photo with the girl; i will add it to one of my collage ;)
    have a nice week end :)

    Boubou xx

  3. i like your street style posts! they're pure, not contrived or staged.
    plenty of inspiration here...like pairing orange/tangerine with gray. just little things like that- in the text and/or element in a photo (instead of a whole look)- is inspirational!
    keep up these great posts! : )

  4. i love that guy's hair, the one next to the girl in the second pic. I love this kinda hair style! haha and i love his style as well :)

  5. Thanks for your comment on Easy Fashion Paris
    Your blog is cool
    Would you like to swap links
    All the best

    Fred the Mole

  6. Absolutely! Was just about to ask you (to Fred). Love your music! I've got the blog open & will leave a comment on new posting.

    To everyone else, thank you! Boubou that's so weird, was just looking at your beautiful collages and couldn't find a way to comment.. was about to look up your email but got distracted. We're on the same page : )

    Stephanie: are you guys back on track? Was keeping my fingers crossed for your system..

    This is a weird feeling, replying to people on my own comments thing. Talk about sending a message in a bottle! It's just random if any of you will answer this.

    Have a lovely weekend everyone! We're going to check out a new seaside town tomorrow after we've taken our dear friend, Dennis, a widowed scientist who invented the electron microscope, to the hospital for tests. He's 86, so please everyone think good healthy thoughts for Dennis!


  7. The first girl looks ridiculously pretty. In an aaammaaagaaawds kinda way.

  8. Jill, your friend is beautiful and also trendy! What caught my eye the most was her blouse! Her red and white polka dot flats are also very eye catching! I love her flats actually! I would rather have girls and women wear flats than the usual flip flops from who-knows-where! I'm tired of everywhere I go, having to see girls and women always wear flip flops with everything in the summer.
    check out my fashion blog!
