
what's in your bag

Blackberry, Jo Malone Honeysuckle & Jasmine, fake fur scarf from Zara for warmth (in JUNE!!), vintage (i.e. I've worn them to bits) suede heels for once I get there (I wear flats for speed), Maybelline waterproof mascara, pink leather diary with gold pencil for jotting down who I'm shooting, film (& camera, but I was using that to shoot this shot, DUH), 'you've been dotted' card, two glitter bead/sequin purses from Accessorize: one with all the real stuff, the other is actually empty - I just like it - also it's a red herring for pick pocketers.
Sunglasses 'vintage' Ray Bans as in I've had them forever (see shoes), silver watch my husband bought me long ago & cost a fortune but I love it (and him), notebook & pen to jot down notes & write my current screenplay. Oh and 'keychain' is my special good luck laundry pin from a fish & tackle shop in Maine.
What's in YOUR bag?


  1. Oh, sweetie! An entire bottle of perfume? Send me your address & I'm going to send you a couple of decant bottles.

  2. Actually it's just a small 'purse size' bottle. (The shoes should give you an idea of scale). The salesgirl at Jo Malone has been trying to be me to buy larger bottles ('in bulk') and it really is ridiculous, I've got the world's largest collection of empty Jo Malone purse sized bottles. They're all out on display in various rooms. Our home basically looks like a Jo Malone shop.

  3. I put as little as possible in my bag, and to help in that resolve my day bag is a clutch. But may I just say I've been looking everywhere for shoes like those :P
