
class couple

Jon and Roz ('Roz with a Zed'), on the King's Road. I love when couples walk down the street not just arm in arm, but you know the kind of thing where they're holding lightly onto each others' jeans pockets? That's what they were doing. They just seem so in sync, and their attire reflects that compatibility. They're not all matchy-matchy, yet they're a perfect match.

Usually when I see a couple, I drag the girl off to be photographed separately, as it's usually the girl wearing the plumage, but in this instance, they're pretty balanced, style wise. Two peacocks in a pod. Striped tees are back (did they ever leave?) and I love the way Roz's wedges change the silhouette, just elevate the jeans&tee thing to a slightly edgier level.

(Some bloggers have asked how we manage killer heels on London streets - many of them are cobblestones - and the answer is, we don't. That's what the ER, or A&E as they call it, is for in hospitals. Hence the expression 'fashion casualty'.)

Posting this from the North Fork of Long Island. The birds are singing, it's so quiet, looking out onto the Sound. It's starting to rain, (so I'm not homesick for London), and my mom is reading the paper, I'm eating a perfect peach from a local farm stand, drinking great coffee, and all feels still and peaceful in my world today. Yesterday was a glorious summer day of swimming and socialising, and I'm looking forward for more summer days to come, but for now, just sending a shout out to all you bloggers out there, and wishing you a magic day, rain, or shine.


  1. They are a cool couple! Great casual look, and I want her shoes. Glad you're having a good vacation so far!
    SD x

  2. Peaches and sand -- perfect. Enjoy your vacation. (Are you sure you don't have time to run down to Texas???)

  3. They do look very stylish! hope your are having a great time!
    I am often a victim of the English streets, I ve got some many heels with not just scrapes but huge chunks missing! I only just got by chanel booties back after they had to be taken out of my clumsy care and sent away for a while as punishment (they claim it was to fix them) ;-)
    I dream of smooth tarmac!
    Pearl x

  4. The North Fork of Long Island sounds like a perfectly chill place to hang for a few days! Hoping we get more sunshine...

    I love this couple. Their style is in sync but not matchy matchy. And of course, I'm a big fan of the wedges. Next time I'm in London for a fashion week related thing, I'm definitely sporting the wedges!

  5. Wow! I love them! I hope to be like that in the future! Really really fashionable and my girlfriend the same! Both of them look so good together! I don't know whether they are "the perfect couple" but in the pics they seem it! I like how the guy is dressed...rebellious yet consciencious that he is fashionable but doesn't care how he looks! You are in NY?!? Wow...you are so close to me!
    check out my trendy blog!

  6. I love cork wedges..that's a great pair.

  7. Love those wedges, they complement the outfit perfectly!

  8. Ooo, they look adorable together!

  9. They go together well as a couple, and I like the girl's top, but the man....really? He's wearing a cheap looking shirt with a brown belt. Likewise his outfit is representative of what almost 100% of young men are wearing on the british high street at present. Maybe I'm missing something that you're more concerned about the couple's aesthetic together, but I think the girl dresses "well" if not interestingly, and the bloke is frankly, colour clashing and boring...

  10. Joseph: I agree. Usually I pull the girl away and just shoot her alone, but the guy was kind of in charge, and my man (who is pretty stylish : ) was with me & was in a hurry.. I'm assuming you're a guy, can you tell me: how can you tell if a guy's shirt is cheap? My husband can always tell, I can't. He'll say someone's in a 'cheap suit' or can tell if it's well made, I'm like tone deaf to men's clothing. I'm more blinded if they're cute, or have a good attitude. This guy's attitude was a bit.. celeb, altho I doubt he actually is one.

  11. Haha, I don't know really. Sometimes it's very apparent, otherwise it's something but you can't put your finger on it. Can be poor tailoring or material most of the time. Generally if something is well made it can be flattering and comfortable. (I.e. slim cut suits which actually allow you to move because of the quality of the tailoring). A lot of cheap suits have a sheen to them, because of the artificial fibres.

    Haha, bet you wanted to know all that interesting stuff!

    Yesterday was the first time I've looked at your blog, I love the way it's laid out, very easy to read and nice to look at etc :)

    My only qualm is...I'm always out and about in London, why haven't you photographed me yet! Haha. Lovely day today...

  12. Thank you, Joseph! I'm also so glad you're commenting: to me, a blog isn't alive without a conversation going. Shouting into the wind is boring: besides, that's what friends are for! : )

    That's so funny you said that about the sheen. That's what my husband says!

    I'm in the states at the moment, on holiday, but if you're out & about in London, and stylish (which you clearly are), I'll hunt you down & shoot you. That's a promise. What parts of town do you lurk in?

    Do you have a blog? I dn't see a link for your name.

  13. Ah cool! Yeah I just got back from the states last month, did a roadtrip from Seattle - New York City.

    I do have a blog, but I didn't include it because I'm about to re-do it and start writing seriously again. I write alot down, but mainly in handwritten form and can't normally be bothered to upload it.
    Check it out at ptbdisorder.blogspot.com It's not about fashion or anything, just musings :).

    I generally lurk all over! Love walking round London, rather than taking the tube everywhere, anywhere from Brick Lane, Islington, Notting Hill, King's Road, anywhere really :), although I live in south east london...
