
hello, polka dot!

In keeping with the American spirit, today I'm posting Lucie, in red, white & blue. Spotted her at the height of the heat wave, during rush hour, INSIDE THE TUBE at Old Street (Spitalfields) on the way to the WEBA awards. We tried shooting in the tube but it was way too dark & crowded, so she cheerfully followed me to the light, altho she was headed in.

Besides loving her look, I absolutely love Lucie's spirit. A total strangers asks to shoot her & instead of saying she doesn't have the time, she shrugs her shoulders & gives me two perfect shots, saying she was only on her way to meet her boyfriend and he'll understand. She's just arrived in town, and is looking for work as a waitress. When I asked what she would do if her fairy godmother said she could do anything she wanted and she thought for a split second and said she'd like to work in a tattoo parlour at first, as it's creative, and then perhaps design a line of lingerie or do something in art. I KNOW this girl will go far. She has that quality that is at the heart of style: charm.

I've been thinking a lot about charm lately. Everything in fashion is about this elusive 'style' thing, but what grabs me first about anyone is their charm. Sir George Martin, the producer known as the Fifth Beatle, because he was such an integral part of the band, was quoted as saying his first impression on the four lads was their CHARM. We girls used to go to charm school, and now we mock that as frivolous but if you ask me, all you need is charm, and the rest, including style, will follow.

Don't ask me where she got anything in her fabulously put together outfit, because it doesn't matter. I'm sure it's nothing designer, altho I wouldn't be surprised if in the near future, we see this on the catwalk. It's a bit retro, bit circa 1955, but retro with a twist. It's simply about how she's made the look uniquely her own.

Happy 4th of July. Here's to the Yankee spirit of rising up by one's bootstraps, and making shit happen. Whoever you are, wherever you are, hope you're feeling happy, joyous, and especially, free.


  1. Happy Birthday to us! Hope you get a yummy hot dog or piece of apple pie to celebrate today, J! I'll light a sparkler on your behalf!

  2. love,love, love this post- all of it, but especially what you're written.
    happy 4th!

  3. I am in love with what the lady is wearing! Everything from the blouse to the belt to the skirt to the shoes and even the bag is just perfectly worn! This ladies personality is just so heart warming! If only most people were that kind and wonderful. You are so right in your charm speech! It really is important. Happy Fourth of July everyone!
    check out my trendy blog!

  4. I love her, her hair is so amazing with her lips, really a charming look. I love the Beatles and what I love most about them, besides there music, is indeed their charm!
    Enter my Giveaway!

  5. I just found your blog and it's crazy inspiring!

  6. Jill she is gorgeous!
    What a great find :)
    Happy 4th of July for yesterday
    lot of love,
    nicky x

  7. great post, well said!

    I love the juxtaposition between her tattoos and the girly/retro outfit. i'm sure it fits her personality.

  8. Wow, she is amazing!

    Just found your blog and love it. x

  9. Stunning photograph! She's quite a character.

