
joe, staying cool

I've realised I haven't been shooting or posting enough guys lately. I don't know what most of you like to see: are you coming to my blog to get fashion ideas? Or for the human interest factor? Fingers on buzzers please (or, failing that, comments welcome). We aim to please.
Joe, staying cool on Cromwell Road, near Sainsbury's. He's lived across the street for 28 years and is a really nice guy. I love the pattern on pattern thing he's got going, and the stripes on his shoes with the stripes in his denim trousers.


  1. 'I don't know what most of you like to see: are you coming to my blog to get fashion ideas? Or for the human interest factor?'

    I come here because of both the above plus interesting photography and being able to check up on life in London (I've moved to Holland and I'm pining for London!!! :D)

    Keep up the good work

  2. Oh, Rachael, how sweet, thank you! I remember how homesick I was when we first moved here, but not for NY: for my family & great friends. I know what you mean about London: I love this city, still feel in my 'honeymoon phase' about it. Holland isn't that far - hopefully you can visit often.

    In the meantime I'll strive to send you a taste of London life. Actually I've been toying with the idea of a sister blog: lifestyle london. Even got a blog name held, but this one is still taking up so much of my waking hrs!

    Please visit - comment - become part of the conversation. : )

  3. A bit of both really. The sartorialist, tho wonderful, can feel a bit same-y; your blog has so much joie de vivre that it's always a pleasure to read.

  4. I also love both! it's always cool to see how people dress themselves in other countries. Ofcourse i come for fashion ideas, but you also can get a lot of inspiration of people who aren't that much into fashion as you are. And besides that london is a fanatastic town so that helps also haha!


  5. I'm not sure how I stumbled here, but I'm glad I did. I love the street style aspect of the blog and just the general musings, London's a great city and infinitely interesting. I'd definitely check out a lifestyle blog about London.

    Love your photos!

    e from Texas

  6. Well hey there, e from Texas! Hey Kate! Thank you all. Jimena I forgot to tell you, on the upper right I wrote a little thing about your new three day old blog (it's probably a week old by now!) I don't know if you noticed: I hope other people do, too. Maybe it needs a picture : )

  7. I am LOVING that vest. Ahh I'm such a sucker for some studs.

    Don't know if you remember me, but I'm stephanie from cultureshock. Well that kinda fell through obviously b/c sil's comp broke and she couldn't buy a new one and she didn't want me to post without her.

    So yeah, I'm solo now! And I'm back to following your lovely blog. :D


  8. I just love your blogs style Jill, the photos and your comments its just more personal than a lot of streetstyle blogs that just put up photos - which is great too, but I like to know what you were thinking when you took the photo. Your blog is just guarantted to make me smile everyday!
    This guy has the most amazing shoes!!
    Pearl xx

  9. I want to raid his closet and then take him out for a beer. Love Joe.

    I come here because you've become one of my favorite blog friends, your photos are lovely, your writing is fresh & enthusiastic, and I do feel like I'm getting a hit of London, which I really enjoy.
