
knickers with a twist

Mom, hope you're not reading this. A strange man sent me an email asking if he could send me a pair of knickers with shea butter in them, for free, and I said yes and gave him home address, along with my underwear size.

Well, wouldn't you know it, they arrived in the post! They're so cute. I've tried snapping myself wearing them, which was a bit mad - holding the camera out to my bottom,the shots came out all distorted & freaky (the close-up, shown here, makes my skin look radioactive). Can't wait to wear the knickers tho. They're apparently softened with real shea butter! (Which I swear by, for face & body - I get them from a lovely woman named Sherry, in Kansas, company's called Sher Essence. It's all natural, in yummy 'flavours' like lavender or vanilla, and I put the creams into clear glass jars, they look like cupcake frosting).

So ironically, I've now got these really cute, dark chocolate knickers softened with shea butter. It's part of a new ad campaign for everyone's favourite toilet paper company, Andrex. I've seen a sneak preview of the commercial, it's a hoot. Speaking of puppies, I've gotta walk Bronwyn & Michal's dog Jackson this very minute or I'll be late to meet my friend Liz @ my new favourite hot weather daytime haunt, the V&A outdoor fountain.


  1. that is soooo funny! i do like the knickers. and the commercial is great, i've just seen it on tv!! xoxo : )

  2. I've heard about these, are they from the States?

  3. Well, what can I say? I think we're understanding the art... specially when the designers make the difference. To be frank, this little knicker is not the best wear in the first date, or something like that.
