
military stance

The rain put a damper on our plan to explore new beaches. Since Mr. Dot had bought me a snazzy new digital Canon on Friday (much to my dismay: I'm an old dog, and not easily taught new tricks - and I love my dad's Spotmatic!) we thought we'd give it a test run at the V&A.

I love the V&A garden which this has the best new cafe, Benugo, also in the gorgeous William Morris designed tea rooms. Yesterday, being the weekend, was a style dead zone (rumours to the contrary, not everyone in London has style, especially in tourist season). Then I saw Katherine, lounging against the wall. As I approached her she snapped to it, no doubt expecting a telling off. I gave her my card & explained the blog thing. She asked what she should do and I said 'just stand the way you were', so she did. She was there with her lovely mom, Hillary. Her clothes are, according to her, 'nothing special'. I beg to differ.

Update: several people have told me in the past hour (by email or comment) that they've had MJ inspired trend spotting on the street. This is a new concept - I don't think it happened with Diana - and if anyone finds any other shots, please send me a decent res but not too huge - i.e. compressed - jpg, and I'll see if I can put something together. Email on my profile: jill!haybooks.com thanks!!!


  1. Perhaps I should make my own business cards and approach people on the streets...haha.

    I'd love to have her jacket!

  2. I NEED that jacket. There's an air of Sargeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club mixed with sophistication. What a perfect wardrobe addition! :)

  3. I beg to differ too! Someone better smack some sense into her! Hahahaha! I was just kidding about the smack...don't need more violence than there already is. I am in love with her jacket and I have trying to find one for guys and haven't been lucky in finding one. I am in love with her ensemble!
    check out my trendy blog!

  4. haha it's funny that i captured a girl today, she was wear this kinda hat!;)

  5. Terrific, I love it. Oh, I have a fabulous new band jacket I'm dying to wear, but it'll be months until the temperature drops enough...

  6. I can't get sick of military jackets. They just look so sharp. And with that hat! Wow.

  7. Just love it and love that spot at the V&A
