
a whiter shade of pale

It's such a dark gloomy day here, and before I get dressed and run out, I had to post something.. inspirational. For your viewing pleasure, open another window, click here, and turn up the volume.

Last Thursday I was having a coffee & chat with my friend Stella, a writer, at Cafe Brindisa on Berwick Street, when I saw Lucy across the street. I had to shoot her. She was so sweet, we did a few quick shots (all great) & I ran back to Stella, who was cool about it because her boyfriend is a photographer and he does this to her all the time.

This look, to me, is working on so many levels. I didn't even ask where she got that great necklace! (There's also all kinds of little silvery bits of jewelry, she just sparkles, in her eyes, her smile...) Lucy got the dress somewhere on the King's Road - vintage - and I love the way she's wearing it with scruffy white plimsoles (classic Ked sneakers) and beige socks.. she's probably got great heels tucked away in a bag for later, but this way she was able to move quickly on the street, rather than tottering around like a cripple, as some of the other girls were that day. (Note to shoe designers: stiletto heels & cobblestones, not a great mix). And that coat.. I didn't even ask her about the coat! It just happens to curl up in the same way as the dress. I am so so into pale nude/pink/soft white, bit of grey, light blue.. always have been, but this year especially.

Is it just me? What do you think?


  1. I love this look! You should have asked her about her makeup too - it looks so sweet.

    I wrote all about this colour scheme (aka: Ballerina hues) on my bridal blog as well - the palette is so soft and light...just lovely.


  2. Beautiful girl, its so nice to see someone not giving up summer yet! the dress is soo one I would love - though paired with Ann D's for me! I agree she looks like she will just slip on a pair of killer heels and party throught the night!

  3. I'm also loving the whole nude/cream/white thing, although it's less successful on me because of my skin tone. And lordy, yes, in desperate need of easy, cool summer dresses around here this year -- it's unbelievably hot this summer. (If you need a good dose of sunshine, J, come see me! You'll get all you can handle, I promise!)

  4. I'm a huge fan of this look! Innocent and sweet with a slight edge!

    In response to your comments.. Yes http://www.tinkinmycloset.bigcartel.com/ is only online as of now. Unfortunately I'm not based in London although i am hoping to be mid next year!
    I do post worldwide though so postage is super cheap for all you london lovlies!

    I'm gad you enjoy my blog and i love yours too.. I would love to exchange linksx

  5. i'm into the creamy nude/gray/white thing also. it's a fresh summer alternative to a heavier-looking dark gray/black palette (which i also love).
    her whole outfit just resonates! nothing is over-the-top, and the fact she's wearing an old pair of comfy keds with the pretty dress says something about her personality- that she's probably fun, smart and confident. interesting what we can glean about a person just by analyzing their appearance (dare i say!)

  6. I know what you mean! (to Miss Odyssey). It's such fun, this streetstyle shooting thing, because I seemingly randomly pick someone out of a crowd, and what I notice isn't any one particular item of clothing, it's just an energy. It's only later, after I get the film back (or recently, upload the shots) that I notice certain things, like the little beige socks with the comfy keds.

    Tink, thanks! Will put you up rt. now.

    SS: I think you've got the world's sunshine down in Austin, babe. I'm off to Long Island tomorrow altho I gather it's not much better there. I do feel for you: I hate it when it's too hot, unless I'm swimming! Which I"m hoping to do lots of. While still posting, of course : )

  7. Such a beautiful nude-dress-look. Her look is radiant!


  8. amazing ;)

    I like it <3

  9. Love this look!
    Especially the summery frock and comfy plimsoles.
    Good find lol
    Beth xx

  10. I love this look! I love nudes and love the idea of nudes with white very fresh! looks great with her clean face and no horrible orangey tan just nice pale skin! I saw nude patent shoes the other day that now im just going to have to go back and buy!
    much love from Ireland xx

  11. what a lovely outfit, i also like the nude colours very much. it make me feel like summer:)

  12. LOL to girls teetering around like a cripple. New Yorkers tend to favor flats, but when I visited London, I saw so many people running around in these epic heels. How do you do it?

  13. How do we do it? We DON'T! @ least, I don't. I try, but I can't. I walk/run everywhere, and I can't do it in heels, so if I need to be in heels during a day event, I carry them in my bag & change outside the address. I recently saw some poor girl/fashion victim walking barefoot thru Hyde Park, carrying her heels in her hand.

    I just bought the most gorgeous high heel, backless sandals @ a charity shop - I'll post it soon - and I don't have a clue how they'll stay on my feet. Supposedly there's some kind of sticky chewing gum substance, like what celebs wear at the Oscars to hold their strapless gowns up.

  14. hi, Jill! how are you? i hope you're having a wonderful holiday! beach holiday sounds exciting esp to those like us who loves the sea sand sky so much! hehe :) i bet you missed the beach so much, right? hehe.

    sorry for replying to you so late. i'm so missing a lot in your posts. by the way, thank you for the ever sweet and uplifting comments at my place. yes, im so happy so see my sister in Dubai and i really enjoyed my stay there. Dubai is really really nice! my most favorite is the dessert, AMAZING!! :)

    oh this lady look so pretty. i like her dress and those simple shoes with little socks is so cute on her. chic pretty! love her furry jacket and accessories too. you really have a great eye for details Jill! :)

    have a great week Jill! cheers! :)

  15. Love your streetstyle pics...such a breath of fresh air!

  16. Wow, this outfis is PERFECTION in nude & white!

    What Was I Thinking
