
fine prints

Last week in the Hamptons, under a very very hot noonday sun, those that weren't on the beach or lounging round a pool, but rather in town, were moving very slowly, if at all. The day felt languid.. Southern. We could have been in Mississippi. So it was apt that the town was called South, rather than East, or even West, Hampton. (Hey! There's no Northampton, I just realised. Except in England, of course).

I know I've been banging on and on about white, because that's all I felt like wearing this season on Long Island, so that's what my eye was drawn to. Still is. I'm also still really into the shades of turquoise and blue, so you can expect more of that, too. (And Stephanie, I promise to post a shot of my swimsuit with the turquoise lining that I shot just for you!) But I did see, (as I expected to see in London but didn't), lots o' prints. Fine retro patterns. Big bold tropical splashes. I'm not sure why this trend has taken off in NY but not here. Probably because it's more compatible with hot sunny weather, which we've pretty much given up any hope of ever seeing again. (So much for global warming: anyone remember that threat? I'm thinking of stopping my obsessive recycling regime, if it will mean adding a few degrees to the UK annual temperatures).

What about where you are? Are prints popular, and if so, are they tiny, or big?

Two very different brunettes, two very different looks. The shots were taken within minutes (and yards) from one another. Which one is more you? And why? I know which one is more me, but I'm not saying til you do.


  1. I'm more of a long dress, talking on phone and gobbing down a packet of crisps girl. :D

  2. Brilliant reply! Actually, the moment I snapped her, just as I was considering waiting politely from a discreet distance for her to finish her conversation so I could introduce myself and ask where she got her dress from and could I perhaps photograph her, I heard her screaming down the phone in a really cruel voice: 'WHAT ARE YOU SOME KIND OF IDIOT? I TOLD YOU...' at which point I decided to just keep my mouth shut, and keep on walking.

    Whoever you are, Io, something tells me you're not THAT kind of girl
    ; D

  3. I don't know why, but I have been suddenly drawn to paisley and romantic prints--maybe it's because I saw this gorgeous dress at Nanette Lepore and am in love with D&G's line for fall. But I want something with a print!

  4. I love both the dresses. But for me, it would have to be the second dress. I love little, cutsey things and the detailing at the bottom is fantastic. The first dress is great too, but if I wore it, I would be completely washed-up as I'm too small for big prints/ big dresses! Great shots and great blogs.

    thanks so much for stopping by! You've definitely been linked by me - I'm loving your blog.

  5. i prefer the long, ethereal one. i don't wear anything too cutesy since i'm petite and don't want to look too little-girlish!

    i look forward to the white-and-turquoise swimsuit, it just sounds so pretty and dreamy.

  6. my god.
    uutter and total in lovement./

  7. I'm very into paisley right now. And prints of teeny tiny flowers. The second one is more me. :)

  8. So according to my calculations, that's three for the maxi dress, two for the retro print, and two uncommitted. It's a close race, and if you count my vote (the 2nd), it's a dead heat. Can YOU break the tie?
