
hampton summer classic: raspberry blonde

Ali, Southampton, NY

It's funny, just at the moment I was about to post this, Sophie from modediktat commented on yesterday's post (about favourite colours) that she also likes 'raspberry'. I was trying to think of the word to describe this luscious colour that Ali is wearing and that's what came to mind: raspberry gelato.

Ali is just the most gorgeous girl, in the classic Hamptons sense: a stunning, blonde, all-American, really really nice girl. I took a bunch of shots and couldn't believe she wasn't a model: she just gave me a perfect shot, every time, in really lovely, creative poses. (And, for Coco, I've snuck in another window self-portrait : )

AND she sent me an email like the very next day thanking me for shooting her. Good manners never go out of style.


  1. I absolutely LOVE your hat, Nice shoes also and such pretty hair!!

  2. your blog is completely charming. Love it.

  3. Dearest Jill,
    thanks so much for your lovely answer and your comment! I'm so happy that I've found/discovered your wonderful blog! YAY!
    OMG! Now I understand what you were talking about.... Hehe, that was telepathy at its best. Let's try for the next posting!! :-D
    Ali looks so very summery. I love this color very much. I find it very brave to wear a soft golden tote to silver shoes - not kidding! I was asking myself this question two days ago when I saw a girl dressed with a golden top and golden shoes - and a golden clutch.... (Like my last posting - less is more, hehe) Why not break it with a silver accent?? Silver top instead of gold etc.
    I love Ali's bracelet(s). Haven't seen something like this for a while now.
    She reminds me on something that has been said about Bridget Hall: She's all american, the perfect healthy, beautiful cornflakes girl.
    Happy weekend to you!!
    xoxo Sofie

  4. The position of the hat in the first photo makes me think of Gypsy Rose Lee :-)

  5. Your pics are so beautiful! And her hat, gimme that. What's your personal style like?

  6. i love that purple color! its quite flattering :D

  7. lovely girl, lovely photos...shooting in front of the glass window gives such depth and interest to the photos.
    raspberry gelato...great description!

  8. love the shade of purple, and the matte nails are fab. simple, pretty summer look :)

