
patterns emerging

Not everyone in the Hamptons was wearing white. There were also sighting of bold patterns, in deep, bold colours, often with black. Here are a few examples, again in Southampton. I really liked the way the top girl was moving at a fast clip down the street. I never saw her face: she gave me the slip. But I like that little knot in her shirt, presumably to change the shape of the top, and I love the detailing. And Pucci prints, in my mind, like classic Indian motifs, will never lose their cache.

My husband, Mr. Dot, has been saying that I'm writing too much, and veering too far off street style. (There's no point in telling him to get his own blog: he wears the trousers in our family - even when I'm wearing them, literally, he's still the boss.) It's ironic that he should feel I write too much, because coincidentally, he feels I talk too much, too (even more ironic when you consider that he never hears anything I've said: I've read that men literally don't hear women because our voices are too high. And yet they tend to find high voiced women more attractive than deep voiced women, who they respect more. So we've got a world where men are sleeping with women they never listen to, or respect. Big surprise there).

So I've decided to split my blogs and make one with all kinds of photos. I'll let you know when that's up & running, possibly tomorrow. I might go on & on & on, or I might simply post photos & let the picture tell the story. But as long as I don't tell him the link, it will just be our little secret, and I can be my own boss. In my own little virtual world.


  1. I especially like the second picture.. The pattern there is so pretty!
    And pucci prints are just timless :)


  2. lol! i think all husbands think we girls talk too much. it comes w/ the territory! as for their not "hearing", i call it male pattern deafness. ;)

    nice pics. in the last one, i believe, her dress is BCBG.

    so...another blog, huh? i look forward to it!

  3. Please don't listen to him. I love your blog - never comment - just look forward to checking it out every couple days. He never contributes - why is he now an authority?

  4. pretty much, I like your blog, went through the archives. REALLY like your blog. (: yaay keep blogging!

  5. Hey blogging your way is working - I'm reading! Don't worry for one minute about veering off from street style. Plenty other street style blogs out there with minimal personality.

  6. hi!!thanx for your lovely comment in my blog!!anyway i know nicky and she has got a great style too!!surely i will add your blog in my blogs list!!!un bacio grande dall'italia!!

    xoxo sara(little fashionista)

  7. A picture speaks 1000 words - and so does Jill, whats wrong with that ;-) x

  8. So you talk a lot. We LOVE IT! I find taciturn people boring anyway.

  9. I have a love/hate relationship with prints. Partly because, due to my short stature, they don't always look great on me!

    Just for the record...don't stop blogging. Men always think that women gab too much - tough! Many of them watch too much sports! :)

  10. Great photos Jill!!!
    How are you doing today? Dallas is so hot today. Thanks for the anniversary wishes and I hope you having a wonderful day,

  11. Thank you!! All you beautiful blogirls! : ) & Happy anniversary, Nini.

    Your comments are really making me smile. I've reserved a few blog names and even started one, using today's post.

    I really am chuffed to bits. Hope you're all having a lovely day! Can't imagine how hot it must be in other places, it's chilly old London, once again. If only we could all trade locations. That's what's so nice about blogging, it's like virtually traveling.


  12. Hey Jill,
    hehe, I had to smile so bright about the discussion with Mr Dot :) Love that. Do you know the expression/quote: One man, one word. One woman, one dictionary. It might be making more sense in German - Ein Mann, ein Wort. Eine Frau, ein Wörterbuch. However. It's true - and my fiancé is sharing it.... Hehe.
    However, I enjoy reading AND watching your blog the same :-P
    much love, dear!!
    xoxo sofie

  13. Oh Sofie that's great! Am trying to memorise it in German to say to him later. Will comment this on your blog, too, as don't know how often you check mine : )

    Just running out the door, have a lovely lovely day!

