
queen anne's lace

It was that end of the day, sun low in the sky, magic golden hour, and I wanted to swim longer but I had said I'd make dinner for my mom. Saw Jackie at the pool with a friend. She got the white cotton eyelet summer dress from her mom's closet, but the sparkly crown necklace is her own. White is, finally, the new black, here on the end of Long Island.

Shot these other patterns of white flowers as I walked back, barefoot. This lawn actually overlooks the Sound, far below. Because this area is called the Knolls, my dad dubbed this the Grassy Knoll, and the name kind of stuck.

Sitting around with my mom, brother, and husband, as I post this. They're playing Loretta Lynn, strummin' guitars, and shootin' the breeze. Outside, the sound of crickets, and the sky is as sparkly with fireflies in the dark overlooking the Sound, as Jackie's necklace & earrings & smile were, the other day.

I am having the best summer. Hope you all are, too!


  1. The way you describe it, it sounds like a really awesome place to be right now! I'm jealous. ;]

    I like the eyelet.


  2. Hey, nice blog and beautiful pictures! Enjoy your holidays:)

  3. the eyelet dress looks very comfy on her.
    i really love the 3rd photo with her shadow on her side.

  4. Lovely eyelet thing, it looks great on her!

  5. we take a lot from the environment in terms of patterns

  6. I completely adore your descriptions. The way you write is so expressive, it definitely sends me flying into what seems to be your own "Parallel Universe." I love the pictures as well. No wonder the Trendy Dwarf awarded you with an award.

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