
erin o'connor waved at me

Erin O'C was reading a text as she entered the Jaeger show on Monday @ LFW, and looked up & saw me snapping her. Her face broke into the most genuine smile, as if she was seeing her very best friend after way too long a time, and she waved a girly wave. Thrilled to bits, I waved back, and forgot to take the shot.

For those of you who don't live in the UK, I've found what I think is the soundtrack to the M&S ad campaign with Erin O'Connor, Twiggy, Jade Jagger, etc in it. Those in the UK, is this the right version? All I know is, ever since Monday, I can't stop singing it!

More great shots from before the Jaeger show, but Mr. Dot is starving (as am I), and he's said 'Jill, I've had enough.' Better snap to it!

Later. xoxo


  1. Good gravy. I'm not sure it's right for a mere mortal to be that beautiful.

  2. Oh I love this story. More more more!

  3. Here Come The Girls is the soundtrack to the Boots adverts, not M&S, unless I missed something...

    Beautiful photo.

  4. Ah!! You're so right!! I am so wrong!!

    No wonder I had so much trouble finding it on youtube ; )

    Then what is the M&S song, I wonder? Thank you! & thanks for the compliment - it's all Erin, of course. It's impossible to get a bad shot.
