
candy kane

I'll tell you exactly how I feel right now: like it's the days after Halloween. I was never big on sugar as a child: it gave me headaches. I just didn't get it and to me the toughest part of birthday parties was making my way thru all that butter cream frosting (we didn't do sugar in our house). I did, however, get into the whole costume thing big time (obviously) but I was so not the kid who gobbled down all the candy in their bag and then devoured their siblings' stash.

Instead, I'd save the big bag and go through it slowly, painstakingly, appreciating the packaging far more than the actual sugar rush. And I gave away far more than I consumed.

Well that's the same thing that's happening now: as I go through these hundreds, thousands of London Fashion Week shots, giving it away to all you lovely people out there, I'm finding shots of people I don't recall shooting. This woman, for example. I mean, what is that under her grey tee? Is it a real (as in not Topshop) Christopher Kane? Normally I'd have asked if she had time for a shot, and dragged her off to a quieter background, but I kind of like the clutter behind her: compositionally, it's.. interesting. But what do I know: all these images, I'm getting a bit of a sugar rush.


  1. what really is surprising me on this F.Week in London is the weather...
    I does look like it was HOT!

  2. Oh, it was unbelievably hot - and the new location, Somerset, is a large pale stone square floor surrounded by buildings, so it really trapped the sun & the heat & magnified it. I love to swim, and I couldn't believe I was there, Saturday especially, in heels, sweltering, but at least I was in a little navy sleeveless dress. There were people - women especially - in outfits they'd planned probably far in advance (unlike me, I just threw anything on) and they didn't want to take off their fur or leather or whatever, to spoil the effect... I was much more impressed with this woman, who had such style but was still more suitable for the weather.

    Are you in Paris now? Is it hot there, too?

  3. %$#&!!!!!!! I LOVE this!!!! I am totally stealing this idea to cazh down some of my dressy dresses for day. So cute!!!

    I may also be stealing that haircut...


  4. BEAUTIFUL SHOT! Your blog is totally rivaling Sartorialist!
