
PA is short for PAL

Erin O'Connor with her PA, Fiona, on Day Four, after Todd Lynn.

It's clear why she's her PA: like Erin, she's just so damn nice. Just looking at her makes you want to smile. I had no idea people in this industry were so nice! But it's true: the higher up the ladder of success people get, usually - not always, but most of the time - they're just truly nice people.

THIS JUST IN: Just received an Anonymous Tip, I've got the wrong end of the stick. Fiona is SO not her PA, in fact, she's actually the person who discovered Erin! Her name is Fiona Ellis and she's co-founder of NK Management, among other achievements in her stellar career. And I can vouch for this: she is really, really nice. No wonder she and Erin are such good pals.

. . . . . . . .

Well this story just keeps getting more & more interesting. To me, at least. I've just received ANOTHER Anonymous Tip. Seems I've got it wrong AGAIN. I just keep putting my foot in it, and digging myself a deeper hole. I've contacted NK Management, spoke with Niamh who is so so nice, and then today, I discover that Fiona, or 'Ellis' as she's known (to everyone but me, apparently) has a really cool website. Click here if you'd like to see it.

So: Aonymous. Who are you? Are you an all knowing, all seeing, God? Or Goddess? It's freaky because Ellis's website starts out with a large, jeweled eye, and it feels like the Eye of God which is watching down upon me, laughing at my endless series of pratfalls & blunders. And feeding me tidbits of Truth along the way. Whoever you are, I am humbled, and grateful.


  1. Really nice coral bag.....

  2. I love your blog. Thanks for showing us fashion week. I envy you.

  3. i adore these kind of people who they
    still remain humble and nice.
    i love the photos, jill!

  4. I think it's likely you find people so nice because you are so nice yourself, sweetie. Most folks mirror back what they receive.


  5. Aw, bless your cotton socks! : )

    YOU'RE all so nice, too! Thank you.

  6. This is Fiona Ellis she is a model scout with the Agency Independant

  7. Thank you, Anonymous!! Whoever you are. Will correct immediately. I thought that's what it said on her badge, and just assumed.

  8. The pattern on that blazer is kind of fabulous! :)

  9. I totaly agree with StyleSpy words :-)

  10. Fiona Ellis is known in the industry as Ellis, she is indeed responsible for discovering Erin O'Connor. Ellis is represented in Ireland by NK Management, but is not a co founder... Have a look at her website,it tells you everything and is pretty cool!!!
