
something tells me we're not in kansas any more

Weird ruby slippers, spotted and dotted in Kensington Gardens.

Update: Tigertem has sourced them, because the girl sporting them didn't speak English well and couldn't recall the shop. The brand is United Nude. Not sure about these heels still, but there are some booties this season that appeal. Thanks Tiger Tem!


  1. They remind me of staplers...at least the heel part. I don't know why but I don't like them. Too futuristic?

  2. Oh wow. Thumbelina is right. A stapler or the foot of a chair. I share her feelings about them. The idea is cool and has been floating around for a few years, but this example doesn't do it for me. The heel ruins what is otherwise a lovely pair of pumps.

  3. hate them!

  4. They're United Nude shoes. Very distinctive style.

  5. Thank you, Tigertem! Will post their link. If you'd like, get in touch and I'll link your blog or site if you've got one.

    m: I kind of hate them, too. But hey: I just report the news, ma'am, it's not for me to judge! ; )

  6. omg thats united nude!! (ahaha i work in one of their shops) FYI they have killer yellow ankle boots out this season do check em out

  7. Anonymous: please get in touch then! jill@haybooks.com

    and identify yourself : )

    Seriously: I'd love to do a post on the shop. Which location are you in?
