
biker chic (yin yang)

Speaking of trends, you can't go wrong this season with leather & lace. It was once so rad, (I love that phrase, thanks PD) but I bet you'd see it on any high street, or any shopping mall round the world. And yet: everyone can work this look their own way. It's like fur and tweed, or gold jewelry with a ripped old jumper: just mix it up. Masculine & feminine. Glam and casual. As long as they're pieces you already love, that have a history and a story all your own, as long as you love the elements individually, you can't possibly go wrong.

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UPDATE: Okay, this is weird. Blame it on my fever, I'm feeling a bit delirious. I happened to check my sitemeter which shows where people are clicking from, and there were a bunch of people coming from ASOS. So I clicked on the link and someone named Nat said she's just discovered herself in this shot. I took just the one shot, and don't remember taking it - must have just passed her quickly, and clicked - her head was cut off in the shot. So Nat, if you're reading this, please get in touch! Email link on my profile, or comment here - let me know how to find you. I trust I've got your permission, which I'd normally ask, but I'd love a shot of you with a head! So, where'd you get the dress?

I had to register with ASOS to comment there, which isn't a bad thing, as half the people I shoot are wearing stuff from them, so, frankly, it's about time.


  1. Great words of wisom there Jill! My responce to people who say 'its doesnt go with any thing.etc..' is - but it goes with me! Love your new portrait on the side - did you get your hair done differently?
    Pearl x

  2. Yep that's my friend Nat from ASOS :)
