
cat walk

I'm very into definitions @ the moment, as you might have noticed. This is one of my shots from my first ever catwalk show, KTZ, at LFW (I also appear to be really into initials, too).

Was thinking last night as I was falling asleep, I wonder what cats have to do with catwalks. So here's the wikipedia definition:

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Catwalk floor is a narrow, usually elevated platform used by models to demonstrate clothing and accessories during a fashion show. The term probably derived from catwalks [3] that connect adjacent buildings. In fashion jargon, "what's on the catwalk" or similar phrasing can refer to whatever is new and popular in fashion.

A catwalk is also known as a runway, especially when it is not elevated.

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Which still doesn't explain the cat part. And this one was not elevated, so I guess it was a runway. And yet, they weren't running. And I was sitting right there in the front row: this isn't shot with a telephoto lens. Which was very exciting, and great fun.

The KTZ collection was inspired by the American cartoon 'Galaxy High', 'fusing 50-ties retro Americana with very high tech, futuristic fabrics and finishes on very modern silhouettes.' Perhaps it was simply because it was my first catwalk/runway show, but when it ended, I burst into tears. In a good way.

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