
fashion can be fun

Katie and her wacky friends at Somerset House in September. Her jacket and skirt are from 'somewhere in Canada'. It's such a myth that the fashion world takes themselves so seriously. In my observation, people worked really hard but can keep it in proportion, and have a laugh.

Part of an on-going series on the colour red, which, while not my thing personally, is a colour that's cropping up everywhere this fall, and paired with the most unlikely combinations, not just crisp black and white, like I noticed last winter. To me this American style Varsity Cheerleader jacket works with the ripped hem because the skirt is cream, not white.

Not that I would necessarily (as you might have noticed, I'm not really a red girl), but there's an infinite number of ways to wear red now, from plum to russet, cool blue reds & warm tomato reds.. tiny amounts of accent colour, like just lips or nails (but, heaven forbid, not both! or at least, not matching!) or even, several shades at once. And, breaking the old rule, red & purple are looking so gorgeous to me right now.

In fact I'd go so far as declare that red might possibly be the new grey.

1 comment:

  1. love his hands tattoos.....
    I love men with tattoos very much!
