
from the mouths of babes

Was walking down the road near home when someone called my name. It was Nicky, of lips of london!! My lovely blog friend, out with her mates! It was all screams & 'You're polka dot? OMG!' And 'You're little miss london???'

We'd been talking about meeting (with her mom, because after all she's only 13) because we kept reading in each others' blogs that we'd been to all the same places, and had just missed each other. We had even both been in the NY area at the same time this summer. And here it was, a pure coincidence: I was buying stamps to send my sister a birthday card.

And who should she be with, but ALICE, aka Little Miss London, my other blog friend! Between the two of them, they've got my favourite A/W 2009 items: Nicky's boots (I have a similar very old pair that I need to re-sole as they're literally disintegrating), Alice's raincoat is almost identical to on of my favourite ones, and I LOVE her leopard ballet pumps!

Both girls are just brilliant, and wise beyond their years. We did a quick impromptu photo shoot & just as I snapped the last shot, this girl walked by: the next generation of fashion forward bloggers. I love her attitude, that little girl. And love everyone's style. And their wisdom, far beyond their years.

From left to right: Izzy, Abbie, Nicky, Alice, Christina and Georgie.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. jill- what really a coincidence!
    finally, you've met each other and some of her friends.
    they all look so sweet and young teenagers.

    i love that girl on the last photo. she looks so cute.
    though she's only young but she has a good fashion sense of style already. huh! but i can see a little boy behind her,. it must be her younger brother. wish you snapped photo of him too.

    jill-gotta go for now. breakfast is ready.

    have a great day and Hi from Boston.

  3. That's a relief to know that even at 13, someone as cute as you, Nicky, could be critical of your own photo! (Sorry by the way: I don't know why it looks more red in that shot - I think you look lovely! I can see your hair is more brown in the others. I might have whisked the highlight tool over your head & face, and it decided to turn you ginger!)

    Lately I can't believe how old I look in photos. It shocks me. So I can't imagine you worrying about 'bags' under your eyes!! & I'll add the names of the other girls to the post - thank you!

    Mr. Freddy's Mom, thank you - just left a comment on your blog, and Christa, will go visit yours soon as I send this. xx

  4. It is so cool knowing that so many other young people such as myself are into blogging about fashion and actually being passionate about it! I am definitely going to visit their blogs because I want to know what they're up to! That is so weird how you never really met each other and yet you were always at the same places! I love how she wears all her bracelets together! I do the same. Kids usually ask me if I shower with them all on and it surprises them when I say no and I take them all off. I think it's very important and good that our generation of kids are taking action to what they like and what they may want to do in the future now.
    check out my trendy blog!

  5. Aaaaah Nicky so untrue! You look amazing in these photos - especially the first one :) Jill, I love that last photo os us all - it's so cute. And that girl... enough said!

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