
going platinum

Agyness Deyn has a lot to answer to. She has inspired so many beautiful women to chop off their hair and go platinum, and now she's gone, like a true style icon, and dyed it black.

The irony is she isn't the first with this look, anyway. She got it from Edie Sedgwick, who really stole it from her BFF at the time, Andy Warhol. Still, I love the look, altho it is so not me. The top woman is my favourite. I didn't ask her her name, don't know if she's a model, just think she is the sunniest, nicest person, with such a genuine smile.

Three different looks from the same hairdo. (Altho the middle one did an interesting trick: it's just a fringe & a bun, but it has the same result). Hairdo: where did I get that quaint phrase from? We've got Mad Men on DVD, and are about to watch it, maybe that's why I'm going back in time. One thing I'm not, girls, is going platinum.

Has anyone out there ever done it? Chopped off their hair and bleached it white, I mean? (Apart from Stephanie of Style Odyssey, of course! To excellent results, I might add. ; D


  1. thanks for the mention, J! sweet...

    these women are stunning with their white platinum hair- a look i've become rather obsessed with...and might i add, agyness is the one who initially inspired me to go very, very light.

    J, i have a confession: i'm thinking of going darker now, as in back to my natural dirty blond, or some semblance thereof. why? platinum's too bothersome to maintain, given my geographic location. case in point: my local stylist is away for 3 months...hello, dark roots! and i can't run up to miami whenever i need color, you know? anyway...

  2. Never. I'm quite satisfied with my waist-length light brown hair, to be quite honest. Though to the girls who can work such a style...rock on! :)

  3. Andy warhol is brilliant and has a lot to answer for.

  4. Libby: I agree. And I like how you speak of him in the present tense: he'd like that, too!

    Fashionista: me, too, to be honest. I've never coloured my plain old brown hair (which changes colour in the sun, there's some red highlights, some blonde highlights) & I'm proud of that fact, too. Mine isn't waist length, more like a long bob with bangs/fringe. I'm sure yours is gorgeous.

    It's funny, do you know there's another wonderful blogger, also named Erika, who also has the most beautiful waist-length brown hair? Fashion Chalet: http://fashionchalet.blogspot.com/

    Madame Odyssey: Well, if it's good enough for Agyness... why not go VERY dark?? And get some kind of shampoo in colour from the mainland so you aren't dependent on your stylist. What's your natural colour?

  5. Dot, my natural color is dirty blond. as for going very dark, i'm so pale, i fear it would wash me out...although the fleeting thought has crossed my mind- more of a "what if" instead of an actual consideration. probably my answer for now, is to go "natural", only very slightly darker. once i figure out all this, yes, i can get some shampoo/color, next trip stateside- or have my local stylist order it just for me.

    men have it so easy- most could not care less about their hair color (til it goes gray), lol!

  6. I'm struggling a little with my hair right now. I love these short looks, but my hair is so curly that going super-short is really tricky -- instead of curly it's just poofy or matronly, and I'm not quite ready to look like my mother yet. At the same time, I'm longing for a change of some sort. I'm kind of stuck. As for blonde? I did my time as a blonde -- when I was a toddler. Red is more me.

