
in the trenches: the warhol effect

We were at the fabulous new Pop Art show @ the Tate Modern recently, on a rainy day. I couldn't get over a handful of unrelated stylish women, wearing trenches and/or prints that just happened to work so beautifully with the exhibit in that particular room. I especially love the use of a print scarf as belt, as shown here, which I am definitely stealing (not literally: I AM NOT STEALING HER SCARF, just the idea).

I introduced myself to the woman, who was happy to pose. Her name is Claudia and she's Italian, which was kind of weird considering I was seeing my friend Claudia, who is also Italian, the very next day. (I also love the white summery dress with black tights. And I asked if her scarf was a real Pucci, but she said it was Hermes, I think. Which surprised me. )

No sooner had we taken a few shots than a guard came over & said we can't shoot in the gallery, no matter that we weren't shooting the art, but the people watching the art. At least he didn't confiscate my camera.

Andy Warhol, whose work you can still glimpse in these shots, is the one who said that someday everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes. Well if this blogger has her way, his prophecy shall be fulfilled. Some of you can get even twenty!


  1. That enitre outfit is off the hook!!!! Love love love love it. those boots I am drooling :)

  2. Love the scarf used as a belt!

  3. funny, i just cut out a pic of this girl in a magazine wearing a white summery tunic with black tights and black boots. (i collect style photos...one day i'm going to do something with them for the blog, i swear.)

    nice idea, the scarf as a trench belt...it's great how we can take a very basic item like the trench and individualize it.

    i'm glad you got some photos before the Tate guard stopped you. i'm never lucky enough to get even one shot, lol!

  4. I really adore her look. She looks classic, sophisticated, and chic, yet she retains this very effortless, bohemian vibe which is so covetsome. She's gorgeous!

    Yes! Please do the Which Steve Madden Boots Are You Game? That would be so much fun - there are hundreds to choose from! :)

  5. I love the trenches and the scarves.

  6. Love the idea of the scarf as a belt for the jacket!!


  7. really enjoying your blog posts. You definately have you own style. Im new to blogging and have been reading lots of fashion blogs for inspiration. Keep it up.

