
my lovely cinderella heels

Found these during the summer at a charity shop on Fulham Road (everyone has their favourite charity shops: I have two, and this is one of them), and altho they're not my normal style, they just spoke to me. I didn't think at the time, but they've got two of this season's strongest trends in one: sequins, and as a nice change from leopard print, faux zebra.

Well I hope it's faux zebra. And that sequin looks suspiciously like some kind of exotic, real, snake skin. Oh, dear. I certainly hope I won't be walking around in several endangered species.

Haven't worn them yet, and perhaps I never will. They weren't made by anyone, or no one I know. There's something magical about them. One of them sits, elegantly, on the marble surface of a small bureau I brought from NY, in the bedroom. It's all so Cinderella. But will these shoes ever get to go to the ball?


  1. Great photo for your profile, with the double arm : stunning. Bises from Paris.

  2. wow*** this shoe is amazing ! so simple, classic & chic with THE touch !
    Great pic, great post*°*°*

  3. Love this shoe...you'll find some occasion to wear them..they are to cute not to.

  4. Oooohhh....you've gotta wear them! They are so lovely, funky and elegant, all at the same time! Wear them! :-)
