
amira & sophie at the bus stop, or, the story of my purple claude montana motorcycle jacket

South Kensington: Amira, in purple coat by unqlo, cute little 'Ohio' Western stud black suede booties from pied a terre (available online @ John Lewis for £150). Her friend Sophia is in a New Look leather jacket and sweet sand coloured suede Topshop ankle boots. I love the way they were just hanging out with friends at a bus stop: not going anywhere, just using it as place to sit. Note Sophia could keep her bag hanging about, open. That's how residential South Ken is, in places. I wouldn't try this trick on Oxford Street, girls!

Seeing Amira's purple jacket reminded me again that I really do like purple, especially with red. During the last few years, I've finally dragged out my vintage Claude Montana purple leather jacket. Hated it for years, actually. I had this friend, Nicole, who was a bit of a minor IT girl, back in London. We were friends in NY, and everything was a 'mad time'. She'd call me up at 10 on a 'school night', telling me to hop in a taxi & we'd go out somewhere 'mad'. I'd say 'but I have to stop at a cash machine first' and she'd say 'don't be silly, darling, that's what men are for'.

She was always borrowing money from me - $100 in those days was a lot - and then she'd pay me back in cast-offs. This jacket was one of them. It was glaringly purple, for starts, and very dated: late 70s, which in the early 90s, was not very nice. I didn't want her hand me downs, I wanted the cash! But I remember her showing me the label - which was worn off even then - and explaining how 'Claude', before he started his own label, had worked for this company and designed the jacket. Which hung in the back of my closet. Yet, like some old boyfriend you can't seem to shake, somehow moved with me here. I've since looked him up (Claude, that is) on wikipedia and sure enough, if you read this, he started his own label in '79, so this must have been just before. The exact company's name, like the label, remains a blank to me. Altho I bet someone reading this will know!

What does this have to do with Amira & Sophia? Absolutely nothing. And last I knew, Nicole settled down, married well, and is living happily in Australia. Nicole, wherever you are: we did have fun, and I'd rather this jacket than some old de-valued $100 bill, any day!

Love this shot, even tho it's blurry. And I love their looks, both of them. Which look is more you?


  1. And if you want to hang on to said jacket, you should not let me anywhere near your closet when I'm in London in the spring. Yum.


  2. You're coming to London!!!!??? Hang on, will send you a note.. xx

  3. that jacket is awesome, darling!

  4. J, you must do a post of you in that luscious jacket! I remember the designer Claude Montana. But yeah, back in the 90s, the 70s weren't cool again yet!

    As for the girls- I'm a little of both of these looks.

    I sure like the little stories behind your shoots, and how they sometimes segue into another tale.

    OK, off to get some work done now...! My favorite style blogs are such a distraction, lol!


  5. Wow your jacket looks hot! I love it when I find things I suddely love and ahve detested for years!!

  6. really nice post*°*°*°
    luv the jacket !

  7. It's so funny how you mention Sophia leaving her bag hanging open like that - I immediately thought the same thing when I looked at these potographs. I am so careful with my belongings - especially my purse; I can't imagine ever allowing it to hang open!

    I really can't decide whose look is more me. Sophia seems slightly more rebellious - dark kohl liner, leather jacket - while Amira seems a bit more posh; Blair Waldorf inspired. I'd say my style is a mix of them both. :)

  8. Definitely...Fabulous jacket!!!

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