
another star

Amy, in Camden Lock.

I'm not kidding, I'm seeing leopard prints everywhere: it's like a cult. The variations are so... varied, and truly inspiring, creatively. I love the pattern more than once, as Amy's done here. And love the silver stars with grey and her gorgeous hair & eyes & pale English skin.

Is this just a London thing? Is leopard that big where you are? I'm just wondering where this will go... will there be a day when we'll all wake up and, like what happened to poor quiche in the 70s, we just can't wear it because it's ruined?

What would it take to ruin leopard for you: who would have to wear it?


  1. I don't know if leopard could be ruined. :) That girl is so cute. I love how you captured her unique stlye!!!!

    I also love your comments on the Trout Pout!!!! So awesome!

  2. ohai?! its me o;
    i never even realized that lepord print was so like, big! i don't usualy wear it, but y'know, bit of a coinsidece you caught me on one of them days ^-^
    come to think of it, lepord's quite big around where i live, like around bexleyheath you used to see LOADS of people wearing it! there was a time when alot of people had like, lepord print cardigans, lepord print jeans etc etc but not as much now

  3. How old is she? Looks so young! Love her style!

  4. Ooh, I'm loving her headband! Where I am leopard print is not big at all; though when I'm not wearing boots, I virtually live in leopard print ballerinas! I feel like leopard print has to be done tastefully. Full dresses just seem a little outrageous to me - I prefer leopard print accents, like the ones Amy is wearing here. They spruce up a look without overpowering it! :)

  5. loved it - I don't wear it myself but it looks great on some people

  6. I don't really mind a little leopard print accent..I used to love the look ,actually. But now that it is so popular, I am loathe to wear it. I hate looking like everyone else, I like to be different. So my answer is: when I see a trend being worn by someone every time I round a corner,it's ruined for me.

    But, this girl is really adorable!

  7. daisychain- I'm 15, I look about 10 though >.< LOL

  8. I've always been a fan of leopard print...but I can't stand to see someone dressed in it from head to toe.

    This young lady is adorable..I love her belt, the dress looks like it's quite lovely.


  9. I love your blog so much more than thesartorialist and garancedore. Even Jak & Jil have been nobbled by the cooler-than-thou, too-cool-to-actually-observe bug.
    It's so fresh, so truly observational and interesting.
    Please don't get a Vogue gig, a Gap gig, a Burberry gig...unless that's what you want. Then best of luck. But we'll miss you.


  10. this blog is SUPER CUTE!!
    i love the leopard shoes on the side by the wayy!!
    checck out my blogs! we should follow eachother!

  11. I wondered 5th avenue tonight for a little people watching and can safely say I saw no hints of leopard print. Perhaps it'll hit NY in the spring or maybe we already had that movement over the summer. Only time will tell I guess!

  12. Oh she looks so cute! Great blog by the way...


  13. leopard is ruined for me when it's in all the stores and on too many people...

    Here in the states its big which is why I'm not wearing it.

    Love your blog...

  14. Actually here in Madrid I not see much, except in the shops. I like the leopard print but only to shoes or foulard :-)

  15. Thank you all, I don't know about you but I'm finding this fascinating. It's such a clearer trend to 'track' then, say, wearing black with white, and yet there are definitely different personalities to each city.. I, too, thought it was already played out here in London by the end of the summer, and I understand, beweave, how something could be ruined for you when it's in all the stores & on too many people -I'm the same way - but for some reason, this particular print just keeps finding new avenues..

    Ana Leitora: I hope you see this because I can't click on your blog, 'style is just the clothe of your personality' and I am so intrigued to see it. Can you post the link if you see this?

    Thank you all for commenting! Made my day ; )

  16. Dear Dot:
    I dont have blog, I just created a Blogger account because I can follow my favorits blogs around the world. By the way, your blog is fabulous :-)

  17. Oh, thank you, Ana! Hope you see this & hope to hear from you again.

    And Amy, if you happen to see this; see what I mean? ; )

  18. You are also posting a ton of gray and black! Which I love.
