
more grey gorgeousness

Okay, tomorrow is today, and today has become yesterday: now I can add the other two shots, as promised.

As I was shooting, I asked Tamzin if she was a model. No, she smiled in reply (she's not supermodel tall: I'm assuming that's the only reason, as she is sooo photogenic!). I took a quick glance at her outfit and read the bag's logo: Miu Miu, and I asked, what about anything else... the hat?

Topshop, she replied. (I swear to you, I am not a secret Topshop employee!)

Then she was off to work... at Abercrombie & Fitch. Of course. Ever since it's opened, it's the primary source of employment for models of both sexes, between assignment.

I love the way she's thrown this outfit together: the silver cool grey tones are so gorgeous with her eyes, and just that little bit of brown in her shoes help echo the warm reddish tones of her hair. This is someone with not just an innate sense of style, but of how it works for her.

A note about beauty, if I may: there's been a lot of controversy recently about an online interview Kate Moss did ('The Waif That Roared') - has that made it outside the UK? Besides That Quote, she said some good stuff & it's good reading. I don't know what I'd say if caught off guard with a question like 'what's your motto': I mean, who has a handy motto they can pull out of thin air? She probably just said the first thought that popped into her head, and I'm pretty darn sure she didn't find it reading anorexia websites. So I'd like to leave you with this quote from the piece, in Kate's own words:

WWD: How do you define beauty?
Kate Moss: It sounds really corny, but I think that if you’re beautiful inside, it shows on the outside for sure. You can be a pretty face, but if you’re not a nice person, it just doesn’t work. I’m not traditionally a beauty, but apparently people think I’m all right. If you’re a nice person, it definitely helps.

Case in point: Tamzin with a zed, in grey.


  1. I agree with Kate Moss's quote at the bottom of the post. It definitely shows what kind of nice and modest person she is. Many times you think all Hollywood stars are snobby, and some of them are, but other are not. We must not judge. Everything you said about the girl in the pictures above is so true. I mean, her ensemble could not do a better job in accentuating her beautiful body from head to toe. The first thing I noticed were the shoes and then the hat obviously. I love both of them! I kind of suspected that she worked for Abercrombie & Fitch since gray and navy blue are the colors associated with the brand. I have to say that she is very original dressing the way she does for a brand that has girls dressing in multiple layered tank tops and bell bottom or flared jeans.
    check out my trendy blog!

  2. I totally agree with Kate's reply to the beauty question. It's all about being beautiful inside. External beauty fades but a beautiful heart will last forever. And it will definitely show in your looks.

  3. I absolutely love her. I love her style, I love her smile, I love her hair. She just effuses gorgeous. Her personality shines both in the way she is dressed, and in the way she presents herself. Amazing work here, Jill! :)

  4. That jacket is so cool!!! I love that hat too! confitence is the greatest accesorie!!

  5. I can't believe they opened an A&F in London. I'm pretty creeped out by that. But perhaps the lines from the 5th avenue store will finally settle down. I can't get over the fact that tourists line up to go to such a blah place! [at least their suffering business wise, the only win!]

    Stunning girl and outfit.

  6. She is so beautiful. I'm envious of her hair. She looks like she's a really nice girl. I'm sure she'll go far even without the looks but it will help.

  7. my goodness, i've gotten quite behind on visiting my favorite blogs....crazy busy here in my little world! but it's all good. :)
    so my comment: you know i love this outfit- especially since she's added brown and navy. all looks great with her hair color.
