
Sam and E.J., outside Chamomile

When, I ask you, does an activity become an obsession?

I was meeting my lovely, lovely friend Bronwyn for a coffee & chat in the Primrose Hill area (a stretch of road called England's Lane) at her & her husband's favourite new weekend brunch spot, Chamomile. We were having such a good time that I decided to bunk off my yoga class & order eggs. And then, two coffees later, we split a cupcake and the most fabulous baked ricotta cheese this side of the Atlantic. But here's the sick thing (and, granted, we're only as sick as our secrets): the whole time we were talking, I kept my eye on a couple just outside her peripheral vision. I was multi-tasking, basically, but soon as they got their bill, I was up like a flash, asking so shoot them. I nearly knocked over a chair, blocking their path to the door.

Sam, E.J.'s wife, is due in January, and she actually thought I was joking, when I said I liked their look. It was a cold damp day and they clearly were going for comfort, but I love the combination of colours and the way his orange Abercrombie & Fitch sweats are so complimentarily compatible with Sam's navy Converse ones. (That's one thing I've discovered about myself: I break my rule of 'no orange' if it's paired with navy, or purple.)

I hope she has an easy pregnancy and delivery, because that's one lucky child about to enter our world. They are delightful.


  1. Good one for spotting them - they do look really funky and smiley - and very well suited

  2. I truly love their spirit. There are so few couples nowadays who come across as so happy go lucky and carefree. These two seem to just effuse positivity and happiness. Gorgeous photographs - you've truly captured their personalities in these pictures, it seems. :)

  3. Oh - I like their look too . . . What about Orange with gray? Pushing the envelope?? BTW, I am wearing gray and black today . . . Should have added some color but I was in a hurry this morning.

  4. love them, what a lovely couple they make :)

  5. Love them...and love ur blog ;)

  6. ; ) Photodiarist: I picture you ONLY wearing black & white & shades of grey.. in fact, my visiion of NY is now a 1930s black and white film, thanks to your blog!

    Actually, I love orange and grey (part of why I love their colours, I think). Isn't it strange.. there are certain colours I don't like with grey (BESIDES purple!) like bright yellow.. but mustard is fine. Hmm. Time to do a colour swatch post, I think.

    Thank you all for your sweet comments & for visiting! And E (cafe fashionista) thank you, I'm so glad you got it - I knew you would! x

  7. They look like a lot of fun and truly in love...great find!
