
you can dress me up, but can you take me out

Actually... yes!

Topshop are doing something that I think is just so inspiring an idea, that I contacted them and asked if I could come shoot it. And, bless their cotton socks, they let me. Yesterday morning, in advance of the public, how cool is that.

The campaign is called DRESS ME UP, and it's for charity. Two, in fact: Help the Aged, and Age Concern. And considering some of my best friends are in their 70s, 80s, even 90s, and considering I'm not getting any younger myself, this is a cause close to my heart.

The idea is: some of the most stylish celebrities & style icons on the planet - Kate Moss, obviously, but also Olivia Palermo, Dita Von Teese, Scarlett Johanson, Peaches Geldorf, Nicola Roberts (with a bespoke dress from the Girls' Aloud tour, shown above & below), are all donating their gorgeous party dresses for the charities Help the Aged, and Age Concern. And, for just £40, you can wear THEIR dresses to your party, from 7th til 23rd December.

On the lower ground floor of Topshop's flagship Oxford Circus store, they've set up the most brilliant fantasy 'backstage dressing room' - just ONE girl can try on at a time - and then bookers will book you in for 48 hours. (In between, the dress will be dry cleaned, and the next girl gets to wear it). Isn't it the most lovely idea? I'm getting teary just typing this! Then, in January, the dresses will be auctioned off, so you'll get a chance to keep it.

Anyway, the longer I take to put this post together, the less your chance is of getting the dress you want for the dates you want, as I gather I'm not the only source reporting this, and word is already out. So I'll just get these shots up & try not to be precious about my favourite dress or shot - as I can always post more!

This is Zoe, Topshop's own vivacious blogger, trying on Alison Goldfrapp's custom made dress for a tour.

And these are Zoe's cool shoes ; )

This was such a fun experience for me, and the lovely young woman I met (Denise, seen in the mirror, below) is so nice, that I"m planning to come back Monday and see her again and shoot some of the public trying things on, so maybe I'll find you & shoot you.

But in the meantime, please don't wait on my account, as I'd hate to see you miss out on the dress you want on the night you want. I mean: can you imagine chatting up that guy in Sales you've always wanted to, in the same dress that, say, Kate wore the night she met Jamie? I do believe that clothes have an energy - we all have our 'lucky' pulling dress (& I"d love to hear what YOURS is).

Better get this up before it's too late. And soon as I do, I'm calling Barbara, who's 96, and then Dennis, and Major Bobby.. and Doreen, who I shall post about very soon. And in the next installment, I promise to shot dressing room shots of me trying to squeeze myself into a size minus 2 Herve Leger number that belongs to a certain supermodel! Not a pretty sight, I assure you.

DRESS ME UP is only at the Topshop flagship Oxford Circus location, on the LOWER GROUND FLOOR. It started yesterday at 1:00 and will run til 6th December. Check with the store for opening hours. It's hard to describe how adorable this little 'dressing room' is, but I'll be posting more shots to give you an idea.

For further info, go to Dress Me Up: Topshop.


  1. This is just awesome and I love the cause. Can't wait to see the dressing room shots.

  2. these dresses are so beautiful, and i love the way you have shot them. looks really magical and definitely for a good cause. can't wait for more photos from the event!

  3. wow, amazing! it must have been great to see them all :)
    thanks for your lovely comment, darling. I love your blog and will always be your reader, no matter what! don't worry- I totally understand your not having enough time to come back to me all the time.
    have a lovely weekend, xoxo

  4. What a great idea for a lovely cause, and what beautiful pictures, J! Also, when you go back, if you could see your way to stuffing that Lanvin number in your camera case and sending it on to me here in Texas, I'd really appreciate it! (Although, so far I have three holiday party invites and NONE of them are for dress-up parties!!! Boooooooo!!!)

  5. Once again, a post with THE best photography

  6. Ohmigosh I love this idea! Why am I not located near a Topshop? I want to be a part of this! Olivia Palermo...that is the dress I would choose! :)

  7. wonderful idea for charity! i have a special affinity for the aged, too. we can learn so much from them, and before i digress into the way they're shoved aside in our youth-oriented culture (really gets my goat!) i will focus on your post instead.

    i would love to take part in this!! kate moss's dress is heavenly! lovely pics, J. i'm glad topshop let you shoot before the event, so more publicity is generated for this noble cause.

    p.s. i don't have a "lucky" dress. but i do have special memories attached to certain clothing, so when i wear them, i feel happy. :)

  8. So glad you all get it about why I love this idea so much - it's not like Topshop need promoting, they're doing fine on their own, but I'd love to do my bit in any small way to help spread this cause.. after all, if we manage not to get ourselves killed along the way, if we're lucky enough, someday we'll all be elderly... even you, fair daisychain! : )

    Stephanie (Style Odyssey): there's so much I could say on the subject, too, and we really must talk! (will be posting soon as I run it by my friend Doreen, with photos of her: you'll see).

    Erika (C. Fashionista): I feel for you, but the thing is, it's only in this one branch cause you have to try it on... BUT there's an auction after that, in January. I could be like in those films, I could be on the phone to you and keep bidding on the Olivia Palermo dress. I'll post the whole dress in a future post - there were just too many to choose from, so I just picked randomly.

    Leah & Susan: thanks! x

    & last but not least: Amy, the Style Spy. It's a tricky one because Denise (or someone else), by Topshop law, has to be present at all times when someone takes photos in the store. It's a whole permissions thing. AND it's a small space. I do have a plan, tho: I could get her all excited about trying on another dress - there's just one fitting room - and while she's trying it on, I could stuff it in my bag then. I don't really have a camera case per see.. just throw it in my bag.

    At least you have parties! This year I've got a variety of plans, but no actual per se Christmas parties yet. All dressed up, and nowhere to go
    ; )

  9. Very beautiful shooting!
    And what dresses!
    Lucky you!
    Coralie from Paris


  10. Hey I did a link post to help spread to goodies! x

  11. Strange my comment before this one vanished! Basically said I think this is soo fab! And well done to you Jill for helping promote such an original cause for such worth while charities! Shame I'm not down in London or that Chris Kane would have me all over it!

  12. WOW! Great post! It's such a fab concept and even better since it's for Charity! Love it, the dresses are really gorgeous...amazing!


  13. What a great post! I love your pictures, you really catch the etherealness of the event. I love the idea; I'm sure that a tremendous amount of money will be raised.

    And this was all in Topshop's flagship store? I don't even recognize it, it must look so magical in there right now.

    Did any of the celebrities make (surprise) appearances?

  14. Hi Jill-

    Your comment made my day since I have so much going on right now :( and all I need now is hope and faith. Thank you so much and I hope you and your family had a wonderful thanksgiving. I really love the atomic bomb Christopher Kane dress. It's so sexy and yet hardcore.
    Have a nice day Jill and I always think of you.

  15. Wow!i That is a fantastic idea!!!

  16. Amanda: Thank you! Hope you see this, yes it's only in Topshop's flagship store, lower ground floor... it's just a very very small space, set up like a stage set of a fantasy backstage dressing room: it's quite an extraordinary experience! When I was there it was before it opened and only a handful of Topshop people were there - including their online blogger, Zoe, who is lovely. I'll go back Monday, & find out if any celebrities made or are making surprise appearances. I'd be surprised if they didn't.

    Nini: hope whatever it is, all is okay. Will email you & in the meantime, sending you good thoughts: hope and faith. Thank you, yes it was wonderful, and hop you, too.

    Photodiarist: That was exactly my reaction ; ) hence rushing over there to shoot it. Will be doing more posts. Hope your holiday is going swimmingly, & thanks for stopping by!

  17. What a fantastic idea! I would be terrified I'd rip the dress {eek}!

  18. omg this is so exciting! i can't wait to try on kate moss' dress!

    check out our new London based vintage shop:

  19. Thanks, glad I checked back! That must have been such a surreal experience.

  20. First off, thanks for your really nice comment on my post (:

    And just so you know, a dilly boy is a male prostitute aha. It's good to here that your own man is so fashion conscious, it must be a fun household to be in! I can see you both commenting on each others clothes in the morning.

    Thanks for the comment about my style, i have to say, straight back at you! On the one time i met you i thought your style was exquisite.

    Anyway, onto the subject matter! This post is amazing, what an absolutely inspirational idea. I give my absolute kudos to whoever conjured up this idea, brilliance!

    Shame they're not doing it with male clothes, they should of had Russel Brand, Alex Zane etcs clothes in Topman next door!

