
class couple

Sorry I didn't post this morning as usual: I ran out to Pall Mall first thing, to shoot Audrey Hepburn's dresses @ Kerry Taylor Auctions before they went under the hammer today. It was quite an emotional & wonderful experience for me, and I've got tons & tons of shots to upload & go thru, but in the meantime, I've been wanting to post this couple, visiting from Spain, for a few days now.

I met them outside the Science Museum the same day I was meeting Mr. Dot for lunch (& shot 'Laura', possibly not her real name, and Monique, previous post), and their names have gone plum out of my head. Note to self: take better notes! She didn't understand why I'd want to shoot her, but was a good sport (& good model). But I had to post the shots of them together, as they just radiated happy couple-ness, which translates to me as good style.

Don't you love her boots? It's funny: going by Fashion Week, I'd have sworn that I'd be seeing crazy heights on heels - and that's still the case for evening (booties with killer heels are the best way to dress down dressing up) but for day, comfort is key, and that means flats or, at most, Cuban heels. At least, that's the case here in London. What about in your part of the world?


  1. Ahh, bless them, they look really happy, the guy is one real posser, I quite like her boots, but in my part of the world i.e my brain, I have a new found obsession of heeled shoes, ever since gaga and those Alexander McQ. shoes came out. Now I'm look every where for high heeled shoes.

    My sister went to the clothes show today, and she got asked pose for a street style photo, and your name just popped into my head. She also said that while the woman took the photo the man asked her the questions and I was like MR.DOT! But it wasn't you, but I'm glad you've got to the A.D auction I really want to hear about it, and see the collection, it includes her wedding dress. oooo.


    P.S. I have an article about style you might be interested in. :D

  2. I think boots with heels are going out here in the U.S. for Winter, as well. I love the pair this lady is wearing and you're right...they do seem like a happy couple!

  3. your part of the world is also my part of the world... and i agree - you don't see heels that often. although yesterday i spotted a girl with the chanel tights on (front was white back was black) and some black and white heels... which was pretty impressive (forgot my camera though sadly). but yes... i am rarely seeing heels in the day... and when i do they aren't connected to boots (unless they are ankle length).

  4. Comfortable shoes rule in the Pacific Northwest (Seattle) unless it's dressing up to go out and even then the truly high platforms don't see to be the high sellers.

    Far too many UGGS and ugg knock offs here. Not nearly enough real style and I work at a major University. Seems as many students are interested in wearing flip flips sweats and down parkas (don't ask, I dont' get it either) as they are into fashion. Sure, the same thing that every other 20 year old wears, nothing that is really Fashion although there are exceptions to every rule in certain neighborhoods.

  5. I´m from spain and...well, i wear heels in night partys or special days....but, in day i prefer confortable shoes! i like that couple! seems so happy together! xxx


  6. I love her boots and it's no heels for me too. Ooooppps, I remember I'm in the Tropics now. Next month, I will again be able to wear my boots when I travel to US.

  7. they look very hip, this couple!

    i've always liked both heels and flats (partial to heels at home or special events- but admit to wearing mostly flats, flip-flops or a chunkier heel or wedge when venturing around town in the muck and gravel). i could not function without j.crew flip-flops! gotta love a shoe you can rinse off in the shower!

    my part of the world- a tiny tropical island...so it's all crocs, flip-flops and similar footwear for the masses...i do get a few odd looks but some lovely comments when i wear "real" shoes, especially heels!

  8. hey im here again . haha
    jill, your blog is getting greater and greater!ilike it alot!:D

    im doing good, how about you?what have you been up to? i hope i can update my blog soon. maybe we should talk in email? haha

    ttys. xx

  9. cute couple- it's great looking at them, they look so happy!
    have a lovely day, xoxo

  10. That's interesting.. no one that's commented here has ruled in favour of crazy heels (one of my first shots on Day One of fashion week in September was a really sweet fashionista on CRUTCHES - she literally fell off her heel!)

    I love them in theory. In practice, the one pair I bought this fall have no scuff marks on the bottom. I keep planning to wear them out @ night but I can't really walk into them, so end up in ballet flats.

    Thanks for your comments. I hope the cute couple see this! (if you are, wherever you are: email me, I'll send you the shots).

    p.s SleekGeek I've been keeping an out from you! You haven't posted in ages. Hope you're well & yes, please do email whenever you have time. Assume you're swamped with school & life & hope all's well in your part of the world ; ) xx
