

With two days to go til New Year's Eve, and a beastly cold (which I caught from my mum-in-law - small price to pay, she's the best mother in law a girl could ask for). Today's a good day to hibernate from the freezing rain, upload photos shortly - from before Christmas! - and reflect on the past year.

Yeah: it's all good.

Also musing about what to bring to New Year's Eve. We were invited to dinner party in Richmond (what a lovely idea: 4 or 5 couples, someone's sister is away, they've apparently got a big gorgeous house with room for everyone to sleep over) and I'm bringing dessert. Thinking black and white: dark chocolate flour-less cake with fresh raspberries & raspberry jam glaze & silver dots like polka dots, and a white coconut coated lime cheesecake. How does that sound?

I'm in such a black and white mood today. I'm planning to wear a LSD (little sequin dress) - this one in stretchy black sequin that I picked up real cheap @ Topshop (what I love about it is the back is just black stretchy - no sequins - the better to sit in - it's like wearing a tee shirt, basically) and I'll wear it with black opaque tights, high heel pumps, pearls, and probably dress it down with a pullover that I can take on & off. So that's sorted.

All of which got me in the mood to pull out a photo of Leila, one of my impromptu muses from last September's LFW. I don't know why I didn't post it @ the time - probably because I was saving it for a rainy day. Like today. Mr. Dot's just walked in the door, what he needs is a nice hot cup of tea.

What are you up to today? What are your New Year's Eve plans? I'm so glad we're not going anywhere crowded. I'd just as soon stay in, frankly: I hate all the fuss. But this plan sounds like the next best thing. And our friends Rohan & Janet will be there, and they're moving to China the next day, so how could we say no.

(How delightful: just as soon as I posted this, I tucked up on the couch under my white bathrobe - a gift from Mr. Dot ages ago - with a cup of tea & honey & the cat - and what should be on Tv but 'Singin' in the Rain' - the film, at the moment this scene started. I've never actually seen the film, just clippings. Laura of 'a daisy chain dream' has posted about 'the inbetween days' and that's just how I"m feeling right now. And I can't think of a more quintessential in between day moment than this. But wasn't this film meant to be in black and white?


  1. I thought this was a studio shot based on the first image. Was she wearing a bird on her head?

    Happy New Year to you my friend. I didn't know about 222 until you told me about it. My last view was 221. (But I'm not even half of your number. hahaha!)

    Our New Year's plan: we always do this every year. Book a hotel suite (the four of us: me, my two boys and the hubby) then watch the fireworks from our room. It's just too smokey during new year's eve here in Manila. Fireworks everywhere so lots of pollution in the air. Me and my youngest kid both have asthma so we can't stand the smoke or else we'll greet the new year with asthma attacks.

  2. What a great idea! Is it the same hotel, and the same suite?

    I can't believe it gets that smokey. Mr. Dot has asthma, too, altho it's normally under control, but I know how dangerous it is - and scary. You can't mess around with it. How far do you have to go to get away from it?

    And no, it wasn't a live bird. Oh, god, I hope it wasn't a real stuffed bird. I assumed it was fake.

  3. que miedo de diadema!no?

  4. This song is just too adorable ;D
    Cool blog!

    Take care

  5. The same here in Madrd,today's a good day to hibernate from the freezing rain :-) the video give so good mood. About the New Year's plan, stay with the spanish family, inside wearm atmosphere, nice diner etc...
    And imagined my brazilian family celebrating on the beach, summer time, everybody wearing white clothes, champagne and grapes.

  6. I hope you get well soon!
    that headpiece is gross :))

  7. Wow! What a great photo. Wish I'd taken it!!

    So, no where fancy for New Years. Just a friend's house for apps and dinner and drinks and then home. I usually travel for New Year's, but this year, I travelled to London for Christmas. I know, I know. I should have emailed. It was just too hectic with the whole family there to get away. Next time, though.

  8. This hat is unbelievable!
    the girl too of course..... she wears it so well, with so much class....

    It reminds me sooo many things, but the first one is Hitchkok.....

  9. I love this girl's headpiece. So amazing! I'm not sure what I'll be doing for NYE yet... Probably a dinner in with friends and possibly an evening out at a fancy hotel for glittery, glamorous drinks. I'm not a huge NYE person either. And I've never ever been to Times Square and don't think that will ever change. Shudders! xx

  10. The headpiece is so wow! I mean uber creative. And I'll be spending NYE at home with the family, I'm truly not a NYE person either, I mostly hang around in pj's lol.


  11. Love love love your blog! The headpiece is fierce.


  12. Isn't it funny, I always assume I'm the only one who doesn't like crowds. And Dee, I've never been to Times Square in my NY days, either. Shudders is right.

    Photodiarist: you're forgiven. I can't believe you were here tho! We were out of town anyway, probably passed each other in cars as you headed to Heathrow on the M4.

  13. I hope your cold buggers off soon.

    Do not take that cake to the party. SEND IT TO ME.

  14. Jill,
    Love this shot of the girl with the black bird on her head!
    Sorry to hear that you had a nasty cold for x-mas!
    your new years eve party plans sound like fun- and in Richmond you say...can I get an invite? The flourless chocolate cake is perfect for evening festivities...Hope you all have a fabulous time-
    remember me in Richmond,Virginia...maybe you could come for the second new years celebration several hours later...
    Have a great 2010!
    Love, Mona

  15. Jill,
    I like your front page- it has a fresh look.
    The layout of the bird girl is great.
    Are you still shooting film?
    Tony G.

  16. The outfit is amazing (i'm a sucker for all black), the shape of her skirt is gorgeous and I like that she kept the outfit simple whilst adding a little unique touch with the bird on her head (which is divine!).
    Great photo.
