

When Mr. Dot & I were in the V&A recently, checking out the gorgeous new Renaissance & Medieval wing, we saw this couple, Edde & Debbie (that's pronounced Eddie, but without the 'i'), and we both thought it would make a good photo. But people kept walking in the background & messing it up. And I didn't want to pose them. Now, granted, I could take that arm out in photoshop, but I kind of like the effect. A bit like the three legged girl in the 'say cheese' post.

Same with the guy in this shot. I can't control everything, and he has a right to be here, in this shot.

The thing that's not in this photo - because the world is as it is, and I'm not posting children's photos without their parents' permission - was a sweet little blonde girl, all in pale pink, taking photos of statues just to the right of this shot. That's what Edde was smiling at.

He's in a band, by the way, called gaybum. This is their website, and this is their blog.This post isn't about street style, it's just something we chanced upon, in the midst of a crowded museum.


  1. Oh - I know this dilemma. I have no idea how to use photoshop, though. I have the latest version on my computer and two large tomes on how to figure it out. I just cannot be bothered. I need some tutorials from Cristi, from thatsorad. So I just live with my photos the way they are. More natural, I think. Accurate, actually. Love the photos - especially the second one.

  2. that's so sweet of them. still holding hands together.
    they make a oerfect tandem. stylish couple ever.

  3. Awwwww, they are inseparable like you and Mr Dot.

  4. Hardly!! He'd probably rather cut off his own hand, than hold mine in public. (He told me early in our 'courtship' in NY: Brits don't do PDA: public displays of affection. It was only once we married and moved here that I realised: some do. He just doesn't).

    In fact, at the time I took this, he was barking orders at me because I was shooting sculptures for a conceptual art idea he's got. (This is his plan: like Warhol & Koons & others, he does the concept part, and I carry out the art).

    There was something you posted recently that has inspired me to do a post...

    mom&son: I totally agree! (see above ; )

    photodiarist: unbelievable that you never use photoshop!! I'd be happy to teach you stuff, too, if you'd like. For this blog, I don't do anything fancy but I do dodge & burn.. if you just post your shots as you shoot them, then wow, that is really scary. Even Avedon would have done a bit of dodging & burning.

  5. Mr Dot is smart. Hahaha! But I still say you are a sweet couple (in a very unique way).

    Can't wait to see that girly girl post.

  6. Forgot to mention, I'm an Aries. I love to swim too, that's the only time I add some hair treatment on my hair, when I go swimming.

  7. they look so happy & sweet! love these photos, they shout "harmony".
