
beware the ides of march

Spotted Nick & Julius outside the V&A yesterday. (Nick thought it was hilarious that I'd want to shoot him & kept saying 'you're kidding'.) They're such charming chaps. While I was quickly snapping them (we had to get to our friends' going away lunch thing) I asked their names. 'Nick.' 'Mick?' 'No, NICK.' 'And Julian?' 'No, JuliUS. Like Caesar.'

(Update: just heard from Nick, and to answer fifi's question, they have no profession - yet. They're students, both at Imperial College of London, which is right near the V&A. Julius is reading Maths and Niklas is doing Chemical Engineering, and they're both from Germany. Any other questions, just ask Mrs. Dot. We aim to please here @ Streetstyle London, UK, The World ; )


  1. They are so cool and so stylish. Love to see guys trying to be a bit more adventurous in their outfits.

  2. I think that with posting this post, you know I was going to comment for sure! The man to the left is styled so perfectly it's amazing! He dresses almost like I would dress with the exception of the light wash jeans and I don't wear scarves. I don't know why I don't, but I don't. I think it's simply because the thought of putting one more item of clothing in the morning is overwhelming! I don't wear light washed jeans. Instead, I wear dark wash, but that doesn't matter because I love what he is wearing from top to bottom! The man to the right looks good as well. I like his shoes which I have to say I bought myself a pair almost like his a few weeks ago. Burberry scarf...obviously! No surprise there. Even my math teacher wears a Burberry scarf! Both of them have tweed jackets which I am in need of one really badly! I used to hate tweed, but now that designers are making tweed look younger...I LOVE IT! Amazing post and photo! LOVE IT!
    check out my trendy blog!

  3. I like how the guy on the left added color to his outfit via the orange scarf and blue socks! A stylish guy is so hot!

  4. they are so hot! what is their profession?

  5. A man who wears blazers and coloured scarves stands out in a crowd!

  6. Auburn Not Red & Lyndsay: I agree. That's why I spotted (& shot) them.

    fi999: I don't know! I stupidly didn't ask. Hopefully, they'll get in touch, in which case, I'll report back.

    Trendy Dwarf: I swear to you, I thought of you when I saw them. This post's for you ; )

    Leah, Anonymous, thanks for commenting!

  7. I wish more men dressed like this!

  8. omg i love the guy in the beanie!

  9. polka dot you need to find some more hot hipsters in london town!

  10. Oh, don't you worry, fi999: I've found quiet a few, just trying to parcel them out in small doses. ; )

  11. what an amazing headline :))
    love the photo & the story, too.
