
pet shop boys

East End boys with attitude, on Arlington Road.

There's a song from the 80s, before many of you were born, by the Pet Shop Boys. It's pretty much the same deal, all these years later: posh girls popping over to the East End to meet bad boys like these. Even if you already know it, it's worth playing again:

Doesn't it stand the test of time? Classic, with a twist.


  1. hello jill.
    i missed you and i do apologize for not visiting
    you for a while. looks like it's been ages that i didn't post
    any comments here. again, sorry about that.

    honestly, i've never heard of Pet Shop Boys.
    maybe i'm the only one who doesn't know them.
    but thanks for posting this video. i love the song.

  2. I'll take the pretty young thing in the middle!Yumm ;)

  3. loooove the pics!!!!!


  4. Wow! Once again...incredibly amazing job at finding the 3 best well put men ever! I have no complaints about what any of them are wearing. In fact, I would wear everything all three ARE wearing! I am probably going to save these on my computer for future fashion inspiration. For some reason it seems like they all called each other on a 3-way conversation to decide what each was going to wear to all look kind of the same, but not really. LOVE IT!
    check out my trendy blog!

  5. Very nice post and video!!! I love Pet Shop Boys (from my time :-)

  6. Pet Shop Boys? Of course I know them, who wouldn't know these awesome guys. Even my kids know them.

    Those guys up there are full of attitude and confidence.

    Glad to know that you are still Mrs Dot. Hahaha! Love you Jill!

  7. wow- they have attitude! :))

  8. bad boys??? if you say so!
