
uncurious george

Seconds after stalking the Girl in Pink, I saw George, in pale grey (which in my own Dot universe, is the opposite on the colour wheel to ballet pink). Being a bloke, he was umbrella-less. (Speaking of which: I saw a college forum recently where someone asked they should bring an umbrella to the UK for a semester abroad. My tip: don't bother. It's a waste of valuable luggage space, and you won't really use it, as the rain is more often a fine mist that will seep into places that an umbrella can't stop. Better a hood, scarf, or snood, frankly).

Anyway, George patiently posed for a few snaps, but really: it was raining, digital cameras don't do well in water, and polite as he was, it clearly wasn't his thing. I didn't even offer my card, just told him my blog name, to which he politely said thanks. (Another rule of thumb: the more posh a guy is here, the more polite. And also, the more seemingly uninterested in fashion they are. Seemingly being the operative word). That's what I like about his style: it is so subtle as to appear non-existent. He's no girly girl, our George!


  1. God I can't wait to be home... George is hot. I feel like I was dressed like this today, only bad heeled ankle boots... Like how thrown on simple it is.

  2. PS I just read your about.. I'm a girl from london currently living in nyc lol! Love your blog, linking it. x

  3. Ohhh I think our colour wheels must match ;)

  4. Love his hoodie. Need that today - it snowed last night in NYC.

  5. Hahahaha! No girly girl indeed.

    I have a beautiful award for you in my blog.

  6. I feel so embarrassed right about...NOW! I have the guys same tee shirt but different color. Mine is olive green. Oh my goodness. Wow. I hate when I see others with the same clothing I wear. That is why I changed the places I shop at so that I do not run into people with the same clothing I wear. LOL! I love the shots by the way. I like his hoodie. Now you realize what I go through whenever I decide to streetstyle shoot. Everyone is the same way. It's either a "no" or a doubtful "yes." I can just picture the scenario when you asked this kid to shoot him. People have to be a bit more trusting and friendly.
    check out my trendy blog!

  7. He's definitely a guy...doesn't care about fashion or posing for cameras. He just doesn't get women when it comes to these things. hehe

  8. I love that he's not posing :)
