

Spotted Stephanie J. yesterday in the fabulous vintage shop, Rokit, on Brick Lane. There are four shops in London, and an online shop, and two are on Brick Lane (numbers 101 & 107, the boutique) and they're just fabulous. I can't wait to go back.

Stephanie J. is studying acting, and just has that star quality, don't you think? I didn't ask where she got anything, but I'd bet it's all real vintage. Love that look: the fur, the big alligator bag, the black tights & lace ups. A lot of it is looks I'd wear, but I just can't wear red lipstick, and whenever I attempt eyeliner like that, within minutes I look like a raccoon. She's got a bit of the Dita about her. Of course, it was freezing, so I'd love to see what she looks like in spring.

It's funny, the digital numbers for the close-up shot was 1939, which is just about right for the look she's channelling. Can't wait to see her in a film and say I knew her when. Here's a shot from Rokit:

I'd love the look of a tutu with a slim fitting tee shirt, ankle socks and high heels, as per Louise Goldin's catwalk, below.


  1. I've been to Rokit, but I didn't see anyone dressed as fabulously as Stephanie. She does have a vintage style, but it is modern, too. I love it!

  2. I agree: she's not head to toe from a certain period, which is what Dita Van Teese tends to do. To me, this feels more authentic because it's just her own style: what she likes.

    Have you been to the 107 Brick Lane shop? I like that one the best: it's more feminine. Actually, I"m going to post a shot from the store..

  3. love her makeup so much! she looks like a pinup girl :))
    have a lovely weekend, darling.

  4. i go to rokit A LOT and usually find something amazing for a knockdown price...
    the covent garden store is the best in my opinion and the staff are amazingly friendly.. something thats hard to find nowadays...

  5. just finished watching Miss Pettigrew Lives For a Day... it's set in 1939 and she totally reminds me of the characters. i love how she has her hair tied back... takes a certain personality to pull that look off - and she is doing it perfectly!

  6. Oh I so adore her look. It's a mix of Amy Winehouse and 50s/60s fabulosity!! :)

  7. I so love this look! She is stunning! Love love love it! That's all I can say!

  8. Love your style. Thanks for keeping me one fashion step ahead over here in the states. Telling all my clients about your blog.

  9. Lovely blog!


  10. Such a sweet smile and lovely scarf

  11. oooh i really really love this style!


  12. Oh wow she is 1) gorgeous and 2) so well put together, I feel I should hate her!

  13. You wouldn't hate her, daisychain, she's really really nice (like you!). Btw I wore the 'drink me' necklace again today: it's become a regular thing.

    Thanks everyone for your comments. Team Inglis: what did you think of Miss Pettigraw? I really liked it and almost feel my husband (Mr. Dot) would like it - even if it is technically a rom com. Great cold weather cozy film.

    It's funny how Stephanie's look can be late 30s/40s, but also 50s/Amy Winehouse.. so much of it is the combination of the scarf done like that, red lipstick, and eyeliner. To think she was just out & about. And her hair is so perfectly coiffed! (is that a word??)

  14. wow, her makeup is absolutely stunning!

  15. I've never been vintage shopping in London! Can you believe that?! I've heard some amazing things about Rokit and I really wana give it a visit.

    Her make up is impeccable! :)

  16. Crystal chandelier+tutus+flawless makeup=perfection!
