
patterns emerging: heathrow to miami

Last winter, I was expecting that spring/summer would be all about patterns, big, crazy, bold, tropical and ethnic and fun patterns, but instead - in London at least - it was quite the opposite: it was all rather Victorian black, even during the summer (which was a cool look), and grey, and nudes and pastel pinks.

So what do you think? Is 2010 the year of the pattern?

Saw this girl in South Beach, dressed pretty much exactly how we dressed as teens, hanging out on Collins Avenue. Baby doll patterned tops, jeans, flat sandals like these. (I've noticed so much more blue jeans here than in London: the only time, it seems, women have worn blue jeans was last spring/summer, as shorts shorts - and the trend that was done to death was to wear them over black tights.)

Also saw this girl at Heathrow, who was heading home to Australia. When I asked to shoot her for my blog, she said 'you're kidding' but happily, patiently posed anyway, to the bemusement of the man next to her. She'd bought her skirt somewhere in Ireland, and it was made of segments of different patterns. I wish I'd asked her to stand so I could show you the whole thing.

If you count her red tweed coat (out of the shot), this is a sampling of some of the patterns she wore.

So what about you? Are you into patterns these days? How about mixing them up? I'm curious if it's a trend in some parts of the world, and not others.


  1. I think mixing up different patterns and textures are great, they make an outfit so fun and individual. I really do like how that girl has done it, she looks nice but hasn't fallen into the usual fashion trends.


  2. for me, i love stripes and polka dots. they are a perfect combo.

  3. I adore patterns! Ethnic and folklore are my favorites! I love the girl's outfit at the airport!

  4. i hardly ever wear prints/patterns... but am in the mood for little floral prints. xx

  5. Hello,
    I don’t think you will remember me as I see you really do take a lot of photographs, but you gave me your card after taking a picture of me and my friends in the V&A museum. I was on a university course trip at the time from Huddersfield as I do Fashion Media & Promotion there. I kept your card and I have looked at your blog a few times since that day and I have to say I have really enjoyed it. As part of our course we have to do a journalistic writing module and for our project at the moment we have to write a feature article and interview someone who works somewhere interesting/does something interesting etc. Anyway, you came to mind and I thought how I would love to write a few words about your blog and ask you a few questions if you would be willing to let me do so? I think it would make a great article even if it is only going to be read by my lecturer. This would really help me and it would be brilliant if you could get back to me and we could sort something out.
    Im sorry I had to send this on a comment I could not find any email address.
    Thank You, Hollie O’Brien.

  6. I really love the whole babydoll top and skinny jeans look. They seem to go together so perfectly. And I love your sandals btw! And that girl's style is so so cute.

    - Anna Jane xxx

  7. I say the more the merrier, I tend to go with black or as many patterns as possible! I love her ski jumper very cute!
    Greige update: my lovely friend sent me a bottle as its already been released stateside (i advise you grab one over there as the waiting lists even have waiting lists over here !), and it does seem to have a touch of beige in some lights, with brown and grey LOL xx

  8. This jumper is gorgeous, because it reminds me of those winter jumpers that are knitted my cool grandmothers, I want one myself. I love the pattern as well, on the top photo, a larger polka dot.


  9. The top chick looks like Nelly Furtado

  10. girl at heathrow: not sure i'd mix *those* particular patterns, but i like the idea! so...yes, i'm into pattern-mixing sometimes. i've done patterns and stripes just recently.

    and with that comment, i'm heading out...see you later! :)))

  11. jil, thanks for adding me on the side. would love to do a little blogger meet up in london... hope you have fun today with the girls in florida! xx

  12. Thank you! Each of you. Hollie: I hope you read this again, I'd love to. We're away til the 28th, my email is on my profile - or

    Sorry haven't been commenting more, we've been out a lot & the internet is so slow, I'm lucky if I can get a post up. But I'm reading all your comments & so glad you're taking the time to visit & make this a conversation!
