
virgin barbie

So we were flying on Virgin, Heathrow to Miami on Tuesday, and they announced soon after take-off that, sorry, they're understaffed and service might be a bit slow. The pilot said whoever turned in the neatest tray would get a free bottle of champagne.

I didn't care about the champagne, I just wanted to win. A), I never win anything and B), I'm such a Hermoine from Harry Potter when it comes to neat trays. Hells' bells, if they'd had that contest sooner, I'd have a whole case of free champagne by now. I mused aloud, as Mr. Dot was scarfing down his beef stew, if neatness counts all thru the meal. He was on his pudding while I was still painstakingly unpeeling the foil lid from my main. Which is normal for us.

So I made a quip to James, our steward, who said I could help with the washing up. I asked if he was kidding and he asked if I was, and the next thing I knew, they were tying me up in a red apron and putting plastic gloves on my hands & James I were collecting trays (and, as he pointed out, we beat the other aisle!).

We then did a quick photo shoot for my blog while James said 'Get the doll!' Apparently Virgin Barbie comes on all their flights & he showed me shots on my phone.. such a hoot. I hope he'll remember to send me the photos! And they did give me the champagne, and the pilot told the plane about me, but I didn't do it for the glory. What girl hasn't dreamed of being a stewardess, even if only for a day?

It was such a great flight & we got to my mom's in Palm Beach County & found out the hot tub is broken, the parts are on order, the pools are too cool because the cold wave switched off the heaters, and I was all bummed out.

Then she told me about Haiti, which had happened while we were in the air. And it put everything into perspective.

I'm wearing: grey cotton hooded grey pullover jumper that looks but doesn't feel like a knight's chain mail garment, over American Apparel grey mini jumper dress, 'Chanel jade' pale green footless tights from Tabio, tan suede Ugg-like boots from God knows where, and red cotton apron from Virgin Airlines.


  1. you look so cute in that apron :))
    have a great trip, xoxo

  2. Adorable in the red apron! Hooray for winning!! Did you even doubt you would though, come on :)

  3. You look so fun, also the Virgin team :-)I can see you had a nice flight.

  4. Great story Jill, I am totally the same when it comes to airplane trays, if only everything in life came so neat!

  5. hehe Funny story. The title caught my attention.

  6. this is so hilarious! jill you are so much fun!!

    so true about haiti... it really does put things in perspective. xx

  7. That sounds like so much fun! That's so cute they have a virgin barbie.


  8. Jill, I'm sure it will be beautiful in Miami because you bring sunshine wherever you go.


  9. i adore this post, which made me giggle. you are too cute in that apron, "working" for virgin airlines! and a "virgin barbie", how delightful!

    this whole haiti disaster has thrown me for a loop. (the bvi didn't feel it, by the way- we get several earthquakes a yr, but they're small-ish.) the poor haitians can never seem to get a break...multiple hurricanes last year or so, and now this. it does indeed put things in perspective.

    see you soon!! (very excited about that!)


  10. Jill YOU ARE TOOO FUNNY- virgin barbie- instead of the champagne- it would have been funny to ask for the doll....she could travel all over Palm Beach with you....mdg
