
we are all connected: six degrees of kevin bacon

This is a collaborative post. Let me try to explain.

While we were in Florida, I finally got to meet my 'blog-friends': '-h', of Pret a Porter P, and Stephanie, of Style Odyssey (more about that later). We'd all never met before, and were such instant friends. I didn't want it to end. Then, we went to a fabulous event that Stephanie, who is a brilliant artist, told us about: ('hollywood glamour').

After a day at the beach, I had changed in the car into a little black sequin number from Topshop, and the moment I saw Stephanie, I just fell in love with her outfit. She was describing how she made it: 'you buy three Hanes wife-beater tees...' and said that she got the idea from another blogger, 'childhood flames' (do it yourself tees). I've bought my three-Hanes packet at Target, and am about to make my own. The core of the concept is you shred one tee and layer it over another.

I can't tell you how excited I am about this look: soon as I post this, while watching Antiques Roadshow, I plan to take scissor in hand, take a deep breath, and start shredding. This is all I want to wear for spring & summer: clouds of ethereal white, and palest pastels. I'm starting now: just extra layers.

Stephanie's accessorised her outfit with a necklace from.. well, here's her post on it.

I love Stephanie's style: she's such a pixie.. you know Kevin Bacon's wife, Kyra Sedgwick? The Closer? She's a bit like that with her warmth and humour and generous heart and honey coated, slightly southern drawl. I feel like we've always been friends, and always will.

And these are shot by Stephanie: her delightful friend, Jenny (their friendship formed through their husbands, sailors & boat guys), with me & Mr. Dot. Story of my life: he's in focus, and I'm a blur.

And this is my hand, shot by Stephanie on our blogger lunch in Boca. Our aesthetic is so similar, although our styles are individually our own. And wait til you see '-h's. It's uncanny: it's like we're all drawn together by something that's hard to describe. A zest for life, certainly, but more than that: we all see beauty in something similarly quirky, and indescribable. Or maybe we're just six degrees of separation from Kevin Bacon.

Stephanie's DIY 'Hanes' dress: one small or medium white Hanes wife-beater tee, shredded as per childhood flames' do it yourself tees instructions. Layered over one XL Hanes wife-beater tee, a white long sleeve tissue tee by James Perse, and leggings by American Apparel. Boots by Fiorentini + Baker, from Barney's website.


  1. What a nice shredded shirt!! I had seen the "tutorial" on childhoodflames blog too, but being useless with scissors I haven't dared to try it yet.
    Unfortunately no pictures of my friends and me were taken on Friday (apart from our own).. It was really great though, and some people had amazing costumes!
    I'll be at the V&A on Thursday morning -for 2 months I'll go there for a short course about fashion, so hopefully there will be plenty of opportunities to meet!! As I already said, it would be such an honour to meet you! :)


  2. oh this is so lovely! i can't believe she made that out of hanes wife beaters?! that is insane. you took such lovely photos of her. really beautiful. xx

  3. How fun to meet blog friends! I really like the white shirt, so clean & simple, yet fun.

  4. I loooove that whole white outfit!!!

  5. Ok so I did see the title and think you had found Kevin Bacon on your travels LOL! Looks like you had a fab time x

  6. So fun! What a wonderful day with friends.

  7. I really like how she DIY-ed her top. It's so great you got to meet up with them in Miami! And that picture of you and Mr Dot is very cute.


  8. I'm so jealous! Sounds like fun!

    I did a shout out to you recently on my blog (I mentioned the leopard Loubs I saw on your site). And I just noticed that you put me in the "Favorite Self-Styled Blogs" category. I'm touched.

    I can't shred for the life of me but I think that is an awesome idea. You all look great!

  9. omg...how surreal and wonderful to see this! i am honored to make it on your blog! the lighting in there was definitely a challenge for photo-ing, but your pics turned out so well.

    you are so kind, Jill, saying such sweet things about me, i am just beside myself with gratitude. thank you. i'm thrilled to have met you in person- not just once but twice!

    i must make a correction & addition, if you don't mind: the long sleeve tissue tee is james perse, and leggings are american apparel.

    i can't wait to see your DIY results. what size did you get? i believe i used a small or medium for the shredded one, and XL for the one underneath. keep in mind once shredded, it will tend to "grow"...which in that case, you just cut more off- easy. :)

    i'll send jenny a note to say she's been "dotted", too!


  10. p.s. and my boots are fiorentini and baker, from barney's website.
    thanks again, J!

  11. Oops, you're right, S! You did tell me @ the time & I didn't take notes ; ) Will update now.

    I swear, I was at Target just before we left FL & standing there thinking 'damn I forgot to ask her what size!' I got three Ms. But I do also have an AA racerback T 'dress' that could always go under. Which I got last year to go sailing, before I even started blogging.

    -h, you're next btw. And that's so true about Samuel H. Jackson!

    Iris: I think I put this in a comment on yours, but yes, would love to meet. & everyone else, thank you!!! It is such a joy to wake up and see these lovely comments. Like planting seeds that grow during the night. xox

  12. I love this filmy layering. Are you going to show us your version, Jill?

  13. You betcha! I've been scared to start cutting & shredding. It's so silly. I think tonight's the night. Gotta start somewhere.

  14. hiya!!! jill - this is soo funny - because i swore, if i remember correctly, i left a comment on -H's post on three-of- your gathering in Florida - and i said that i would give up everything for Jill's leggs, haha!!! if you are the same jill, then, what a small world that you ran into my blog from another fave of mine as well, the photodiarist!!!

    guesing either the world is indeed small or, the smiliar mind people, just fan into each other at ened! i've know stephanie also from teh beginning of my brief blogging time - love her to death!!!

    glad to meet you virtually - and more i am adding your blog as well, love, xx

  15. so nice!
    have a lovely day, xoxo

  16. UnaCosa: that is realllly strange. Yes, it's me.. but how did that happen. Wow, that is a small world. I think I found yours thru the wonderful Photodiarist!

    When you think that there are like 60 billion blogs out there.. that was really sweet of you to say that about my legs. I felt like I looked pregnant in that dress (it used to fit well, then it shrank in the wash - I bought it ages ago @ that open air market in Soho/NY - Prince's St?) & somehow the shape became all wrong. So I remember reading that comment & being really grateful.

    And Susan, bless you, have a lovely day, too!! xoxo
