
when your own initials are enough

We happened to pass Gregg, who is the general manager for Ralph Lauren on Worth Avenue, outside Chanel, just down the street. He's got the essence of classic Palm Beach style down perfectly, I feel. Actually Mr. Dot spotted him first and while he patiently was posing, Mr. Dot was just outside the shot calling out 'Get his shoes! Get his shoes!'

Gregg is in mostly Ralph Lauren, apart from the shoes Mr. Dot loves, which are Stubbs & Wooten, and bag, Lands End.

These were all shot within minutes of each other: I loved this jewelry shop window display. You might have noticed, by the way, I'm on a roll with this 'griege' colour: can't get enough and now I really do want the nail polish. I've got it on authority from Pearl that it's the Particuliere shade that's Chanel's 'griege', not Trapeze. Will we ever find the true griege?

And Bottega Venetta: they used to run a great ad campaign (perhaps they still do), in reaction to all the Louis Vuitton initials craze: simple photos of beautiful bags, and the strap line 'when your own initials are enough'.

Self portrait in window display: I am wearing navy cotton shorts & black tee, both The Gap. Black suede ballet pumps with harlequin pompom, Topshop, at least two seasons back. Silver watch, Quinn (Germany), bronze genuine bull nose ring worn as bracelet, from a shop in Wales that Mr. Dot bought me ages ago, and his dad, when he heard he spent £20 on it, thought he was a fool to buy as 'I could have gotten you one off a bull for free', purple huge faux jewel bracelet, from Primark for £3, and gold lame metallic bag, American Apparel. Not an initial in sight.


  1. wow, he looks amazing! and that jewelry shop window is awesome.
    have fun :))

  2. Oh my word those shoes are fab!! About as close to slippers as you can get. I would love a pair to wear with jeans!
    And nope I still cannot find an example of what I would call the perfect 'greige', I am on the look out though LOL! Did you know there was a clothing company called Shades of Greige! Andrew J from the me&marissa blog wears it alot! x

  3. love BV. have always thought their bags are so beautiful and would last a lifetime, and their runway shows are always so elegant - really love their stuff.

    also that guy totally captures what i imagine people there look like! such a good shot! the shoes totally make it... if you aren't going to go all out - then what's the point, right?

  4. Lovelovetylove Gregg's look! And completely smitten with all those cuff links -- I love cuff links and I need more shirts with french cuffs!

    My Bottega bag needs some spiffing up -- I'm saving up to send it to NY and have it re-lined -- but otherwise, yes, they do last forever and still look marvelous.

  5. I wanna steal Greg's shoes!
    He really made my day today seeing him wearing my
    favorite color, green!

    Jill- Mr. Dot is really a cool husband, noh?
    I love those lines saying " Get his shoes! Get his shoes!"

    Have fun!

  6. Look at the styling on that guy! Amazing. Also that window display is so cute.


  7. a side note (awesome post, by the way)...i checked out both chanel colors "trapeze" and "particuliere" at saks the other day. trapeze is a very light colored frosty beige (too close to my skintone, so i passed and got deep purply "vendetta" instead). particuliere is more beige than grey. so....if i see a "greige" varnish somewhere i'll let you know!

  8. I absolutely adore Mr. Dot's exclamations about the shoes - I truly don't blame him, they were essential for the photograph! And Dot...your self-portrait is simply fabulous! I have that AA gold lame bag myself!! :)

  9. The red dress in the Bottega Venetta window is gorgeous

  10. Oh my goodness! He definitely looks like a man of a wealthy status! Lol. I would be a bit intimidated. I have to say that I thought the shoes were from H&M since H&M does sell shoes just like those. Personally that style of shoe(I actually consider them slippers) is not for me. I do like his tote bag which looks more like something Nautica would do. I also like his suit jacket. I don't know why, but lately I have been really attracted to unusual patterns. I am not saying that a square pattern is unusual, but I never really liked for a suit. Now I do.
    check out my trendy blog!

  11. Definitelly a man who can live in any year,place, time and era, because his style is not just living the moment,I think is only the way he really is...stylish

  12. Now that is a sharply dressed man. Love Palm Beach style. Not my style but it's a look that I like to see on other people.

  13. I am sooo over the Palm Beach look-to me it hasn't changed much in 30 years. I know the look is meant to reek $$$$$$$ but the attitude would be enough. Personally, I love the display windows for the cufflinks.
