
arts & science

Hitomi works at Dover Street Market, lucky girl. Actually, lucky me: she's on the ground floor, so I didn't have far to drag her outside for a little photo shoot. I am so drawn to white now: all shades, from peachy nudes and ballerina pinks, to the white of fresh Devon cream, silvery greys, 'griege', through to the pale turquoise of oxodized copper.. just loving the whole range.

Her dress is from a japanese design company called 'arts & science', but I can't find them anywhere (Dover Street Market carried them last year, but not now). Her cardigan is vintage. It looks like she's wearing striped leggings, and black trainers, and I can't figure out what her necklace is, but one thing's for sure: her style is all her own.

Just as I started to shoot, a gust of wind appeared out of nowhere, and lifted her skirt to form an A shape. A lucky coincidence.

A moment later, I saw this through the entrance of John Rocha, next door. Cool, huh?


  1. She looks lovely! I love the horse motif embellishments on her cardigan.

    That ruffled dress is dreamy!


  2. Oh. My. God.
    That horse cardigan is amazing!!
    R xo

  3. Fab outfit! That little cardi is really a great touch!
    Did I tell you, we used to make nests too - but we used to put our toys in them not ourselves, the strange workings of a young girls mind LOL x

  4. oh my goodness, she is wonderful! i'd love a dress like hers, but doubt i could pull it off w/out looking like it was a nightgown, ha! on her, it is just darling, quirky, yet timeless and lady-like with the horse cardi. i love it when people dress in their style, their own unique way. london must be full of that...i wouldn't know where to look; it would be street style overload! (but in a very good way!)

  5. Please tell me you took home those white John Rocha platforms!

  6. Great photos, BTW. I really dig the uniqueness of her style.

  7. oh she is so awesome. that dress is so cool... i know the british brand cabbages & roses tends to do dresses like that (they did last spring at least) but shorter versions.

    have to agree that cardigan is amazing... why can't i ever find such amazing thrifted items? some people have a talent for it i think. and those leggings! they kind of remind me of the witch in wizard of oz... doesn't she wear striped tights before her feet curl up under the house?

    she looks amazing and totally unique. great spot. xx

  8. Yes, Lizzifer, I walked in (the door was wide open when I shot this) and I just took them! ; )

    Thank you on Hitomi's behalf. I hope she'll read these comments - she's wonderful.

    Pearl, that's wild to think you had a Birdy Birdy Tweet Tweet branch in the UK! I guess your nests were smaller to fit your toys. Hilarious. It's so true: the workings of girls' minds.

  9. She looks lovely, I particularly like the horses on her vintage cardi, adorable! :)

    Love vanilla

  10. luuuv her!
    and I loove her jacket.....
    very stylish girl!

  11. very stylish! love her jacket.
