
ashes to ashes

I never know what posts will get responses, or why. And I don't know how some bloggers get like 300 comments (granted, they've been doing it a lot longer than me). Once recently I posted something that got zero comments. ZERO! Mr. Dot felt so sorry for me, it was so cute to see him so.. sensitive to my feelings. When I got a comment, he was really happy for me.

One thing that's been getting a lot of response (relatively speaking), by emails, too, is the two part zip dress coming up for Topshop by Richard Nicholl ('nudes', recent post). Meg asked when she can get it. Well, Meg, you don't have too long to wait now: according to my own Topshop Deep Throat, launch date is 13 February (Saturday), just in time for Valentine's Day. I'm not sure if that means just certain shops, or globally and online, but I'm about to meet him/her in a dark car park somewhere in DC in the late 1970s to find out.

This Richard Nicholl for Topshop 'pink nude bustier' is £70, (convert to your currency) and launches 13th February.

This title, btw, is a reference to an old poem we used to write on each others' yearbooks in the States:

ashes to ashes
dust to dust
what's a bra
without a bust

Turn up your stereo speakers, boys & girls, and sing along with Dave:


  1. Amazing bustier.
    I love the little details on it.
    And I feel you on the comments.

  2. Hahaha! Love the funny poem. What's a bra without a bust?

  3. I love this bodice!!! how ru my dear? sorry i havent stopped by in ages!! i accidentally deleted my blog roll list!
    magpie-girl.blogspot.com xo

  4. that's cute. but i could never wear it! and i know what you mean, getting people to pay your blog attention can be sooo upsetting!

  5. Ok, I have been following you for a while now and I don't think I've ever left a comment, but I truly love your blog! I always thought you'd get hundreds of comments every day because your posts are always so good! Sorry I've been so silent! I know exactly how it feels!

  6. this is cute! great color, that nude hue. i personally like the dusty blush colors, especially with charcoal gray. so...i'd wear this as a bra w/ a slightly sheer, filmy or gauzy top. or a front button shirt, and unbutton so it peeks out from the top.

    i, too, had a post that no one commented on. it was late last year. makes you feel kind of like "well, then...did people just not comment (which is sort of ok every now and then), or did no one even see the post?" blogging is weird sometimes. i think we touched on the subject of comments during our meet-up. 300 is overwhelming! do you really want that many? knowing me, i'd feel compelled to comment back on each blog- how time-consuming would that be! ;)

  7. That is so true! (to Style Odyssey). I'd never be able to turn off the laptop (or sleep) because as it is, everyone that comments says something I want to reply to!

    I can't get over that I'm not the only one who feels this way. It's like when you first join facebook and people have all these friends & you think, what's wrong with me? I swear, that post that got no comments.. I was wondering what I did wrong, and would people ever come back!

    Thank you, each of you. Hope you're all having a lovely night (or, day) wherever you are! xoxo

  8. it is nice to know everyone feels like that. especially when you know people have been to your blog but no one has commented... yah, there is definitely that feeling like... DUM DUM DUM (scary music in case you couldn't tell)... someone has secretly spread the world that my blog is super lame and no one is ever going to look or comment on it ever again. ok ok.. i don't actually feel THAT paranoid. (it is late... i am rambling incoherently).

    on another thought... that top is adorable. i love your poem BUT it is totally unfair because as a girl that is slightly endowed... i feel like i could never pull off a top like that - or at least i wouldn't feel comfortable wearing it. i think that the whole underwear as outerwear trend is best left to those who don't have massive boobs... otherwise you risk looking like a bit of a floozy i am afraid. am i wrong? xx

  9. David bowie looks like the guy in Un Chien Andalou here lol ahhaha

  10. MissT: I think that's the look he was going for! Seriously! I think I read it somewhere.. or, dreamt it.

    Jen (style crusader): Okay, if I can feel this way at times, and clearly as I've just discovered you & others can, too.. can you imagine how celebrities feel? They all say 'I never read that stuff about me' or 'I never read reviews' but how can you not? I once was queuing in front of Hugh Grant - at the height of the Hugh/Jemima thing - at a Cafe Nero on Fulham Road. He was dressed totally like Mauricio - face hidden in his hoodie - reading The Sun, or The Mirror. If he wasn't reading about himself, then it was surely gossip about some other celeb.

    re: the Boob issue: as one of the Proudly Unendowed, I tend to agree. I think that's one of the perks of being flat. Altho.. there's only one way to find out. But today's a bit cold to test out the theory.

  11. I love that bustier, especially the color!

  12. I hear you about the comments. I have a few posts with one comment -- thanks to Cristi of thatsorad!

  13. Which reminds me... I haven't visited her to pick up my award!

    Oh, how lovely.. we're both co-awardees. If you have that, Photodiarist, then I'm never going to give it another thought. It's like everything else in life: it just doesn't make sense. Look at the number of fans, say, Katie Price (in the UK) or Jessica Simpson (US) have. When you've got all these great actresses.. come to think of it, is Jessica even an actress? I don't think Katie is. Well how sad is this: I'm off on a tangent, commenting on MY OWN BLOG. To myself ; )

  14. Yeah, I dont understand too.. I saw many blogs where people r dressed awful, but 200 peoples r saying how beautiful they r. Cmon. Maybe I dont understand what beauty is in blogger.

