
the boy by the punchbowl

I was on my way to my beautiful friend Bronwyn's baby shower @ the Punchbowl, Guy Ritchie's fab gastro pub in Mayfair. (That's a lot of B's: even more when you figure we got her a Baby Bjorn, and we were all taking turns feeling, and photographing, her Big Bump. She hasn't put on an ounce, which makes it feel fake, like she's got a Bowling Ball under her jumper).

Just as I was rounding a corner near the Punchbowl, I saw this Cute Boy, with his friend.

He's not a model, either. (Why do they find that question so funny?) After I got my two requisite street style shots, I asked him to do something stupid. He complied.

I was too much in a hurry to ask where he got anything, and I can't find where I've written his name or details (and then, got too caught up in the Bumpfest to remember). I know these black shiny bin liner down coats are pretty popular this season (a few more Bs) but frankly, it's his delightful attitude and overall cuteness that makes this look work for me. And since I can't decide which shot to use, I'm showing you them all. By golly, if he's not a beautiful boy! ; )


  1. His hair reminds me a bit of Jud Nelson from "The Breakfast Club." Great shots my love!! :)

  2. Yeah, I can see that.. not just his hair, his face, too.

  3. such a great smile and hair! i am seeing grey worker boots like his everywhere! it is so funny that you always misplace peoples names. do you have a notebook or something you use to jot them down in? xx

  4. Very funny. Actually, I do: I've been carrying a notebook with me wherever I go, since college I guess. Even to the beach. It's just that lately I'm shooting so many people I don't always write it down.. or not in an actual order.. there are lots o' names in there, Jen. And this time I went straight to the baby shower.. I'm sure I"ll find it.

    The best part is when people find me! My favourite was a lovely gir named Emily: someone left a comment and said 'that's my daughter, Emily!'

  5. Hi PD Chick,

    I like your taste in men. I like this guys look. I love his boots...they look like the All Saints Military boots which I have in brown.

    He sparkles. You MUST remember his name...for my sake please!

    x Evana

  6. I think black bin liner jackets are meant to be in right now, my boyfriend wears one all the time.

    The guy is cute, but I don't like how he's tucked his jeans into his boots! :(


  7. Effortless but effort-full at the same time. This is what I like. When I see a guy who does not even try to dress well and dresses well without realizing. Of course you probably made him realize it when you asked him if you could take his picture, but if not he probably would not have thought twice about it. Men and that style of boots now is super popular! I have seen it everywhere!
    check out my trendy blog!

  8. Been enjoying all of your latest posts.. You've written some very beautiful things about Alexander McQueen, and I really appreciated your response to the post on my blog. It is a small consolation, but at least he has left behind a great leagcy that will never be forgotten. Its very tragic though.
    I like the boots with jeans here. And the close up portrait is great.
    I was just wondering if you got my email in response to yours?


  9. i love his look and youre blog. this is why american girls love england btw. i always imagine it filled iwth these elegantly dishevelled young lads with reckless attitudes and adorable accents.
    starting my blog and would love for anyone and everyone to go see it

  10. Ha! (Renee) that is so true. Altho I met mine in NYC (they're also, in general, rakes.. I love that word - often and very bad boys, indeed).

    Just took a look @ your blog - it's just a baby! Only a few days old! I'm your third follower & have added you to my blog roll. Let's give Renee a welcome & follow her. You're going to have to stick with it, it's an addiction that must be fed regularly: but you're going to love it, I promise. Welcome to the blog world.

    Roz, thank you & yes, check your inbox: sorry I thought I replied! ; )

    T. Dwarf, not just medical.. thank you! I wasn't wild about the tucked in boots either but it's proof that with the right attitude, one can get away with ANYTHING!

  11. What a stylish and beautiful boy!

    How are you doing sweetie???
