
charlotte & the fox, with sequins

One of my favourite photographer blog-friends on the planet (literally), The Photodiarist, commented recently that Mr. Dot & I seem to spend a lot of time in the V&A. It's true! But it also seems that way because lately it seems everything I've posted has been from there. A lot of that is because it's warmer inside there than on the street, and I'm bored with just shooting girls in coats. Even if they are sometimes fun faux fur coats!

This is the first of a series of three. I met Charlotte and her two friends there, and just had to shoot them: they've all got such great personal style. They all work at The Laden Showroom, which is sandwiched between two branches of Rokit, which I visited & shot recently (that's coming up, Cupcakes).

I thought at first Charly's foxy tee was a Kane, but she laughed and said 'No, Urban Outfitters.' Cool.

Don't you just love the way she's kind of tossed it all together? I've got a sequin dress I rarely wear and now I'm just so excited about dressing it down like this. And I love the way that wacky bag doesn't remotely 'match'.

And of course: her gorgeous hair. Gotta run. Have a lovely weekend everyone! xoxo


  1. I love how she's thrown together her outfit. I really like her bag and t-shirt!! Do you know where she got the bag from?

    I've only been to V&A once, but I really liked it. I think I need to make a return.


  2. I love her outfit and I'm really loving red hair at the moment :)

    Love vanilla

  3. Love the bag! It is too adorable ;D

  4. ahhhhhhh thats ME! hello!!

    am so excited to see parts 2 and 3 of this :)


    ps, my bag is from vivienne westwood x

  5. Hi,
    I'm enjoying these V&A shots. Lovely smudgy light. Also, I've been meaning to say how much I enjoy your 'hats off' side bar. Your comments about fellow bloggers have such a lovely generous quality!

  6. Cool (:
    I wouldn't have expected those pieces to match. XP

  7. OhCharlotte so glad you saw this cause my email to paint splattered mouse was undeliverable! Can you email me @ jill@haybooks.com & I'll send you the shots? thanks! I'll also update the bag source. x

    Thank you all for your feedback. Anonymous: I'm glad you like the smudgy light. My husband says it's blurry but he was THERE and saw how still they had to be - the light was low & I don't like to use flash, and besides, I like the random blurs that occur, sometimes they can be quite wonderful.

    & thanks for the feedback re: my side bar. I like doing it but I never know if people read it.

    Leona: that's what I felt, that's what I love about all their looks. It's all so creative & seemingly effortless.

  8. Hi, i was just wondering if anyone knows when this fox t shirt was in urban outfitters? Keep seeing girls wearing it and want to get one so badly! Love the blog, and great outfit x

  9. Ahh -- then you should keep going to the V&A! Love Charlotte's style.

  10. oh i love her look so much! that tshirt is awesome and looks great with that skirt! and that jacket... i love the sleeves... and the bag. and that hair... oh my oh my. there are too many amazing things happening all at once there. awesome. xx

  11. Foxy and sweet. Enough said.

  12. She's got super style, and you're right, it looks effortless. Some peeps can manage that look, as if they woke up beautiful. Lovely
