
red head

Speaking of redheads... I've been wanting to post on the Kinder Aggugini show since I saw him last Saturday at LFW. Everything about that show: the music, the set with his wonderful elegant props, the models, and especially, the clothes.. just absolutely perfect in every way.

Why haven't I posted sooner? Because I can't narrow the photos down! I love every look so much. I just love this guy so damn much, words can't express it. He is from 'Milan via Glasgow' and his work is so quirky-yet-worky, IMHO. Don't you just love that phrase? Unlike underwear-as-outerwear, I can't claim to have coined it: I read it in a Times piece (on another great talent, btw: Richard Nicholl), by an excellent journalist named Luke Leitch.

This is just ONE look. And it was hard to choose which shots. But that's the brilliance of blogs: I can always post more. After all, as Scarlett O'Hara so wisely said, tomorrow is another day.

Off to see The Lovely Bones with my man. Have a lovely Saturday, mon petit Chaufleurs!


  1. The silk material of that dress is lush.


  2. the dress is so elegant. LOVE her hair color- being that i'm obsessed w/ red hair lately.
    enjoy the film! i suppose i should read that book...then see the movie, in that order.

  3. that dress is amazing...I want to know where that wing comes in? I love wings :)

  4. i love the shape and print of that dress... the movement looks so beautiful. kind of like leaves being blown around on an autumn day. xx

  5. Love how that fabric moves...and the model is so lovely!

  6. Beautiful skirt, lovely fabric! I bet it feels great on the skin :)

  7. Oh, the movement was incredible. I really think I'm gonna have to do another post on just this dress.. and then show you all the other looks, too.

    Christi: you'll see where the wing comes from... all will be revealed ; )

  8. wow, she looks stunning... amazing hair.
